Lichen planus begins between the ages of 30 and 60, and is a disease of unknown cause that affects women more frequently. Rapid- or slow-onset lesions may persist for months or years. Sometimes there is severe itching. It may cause white rashes in the mouth. They have different clinical forms.
- Hypertrophic:They are pink, purple, shiny, itchy rashes that are raised from the skin.
- Follicular: strong>It can be felt as thorny protrusions.
- Vesicular:It can be seen as blistered vesicles.
- Actinic:The back of the hand in places exposed to sunlight. and is seen on the arms.
- Ulcerative:It may cause resistant ulcers on the soles of the feet.
- Mucosae:Net-like lace-shaped in the cheek mucosa, It appears as a white rash. Lips, tongue and gums are the most common places.
- Lichen Planus on the Scalp:There is scalp involvement that causes baldness.
- Lichen Planus on the Nails. :Destructions with longitudinal breaks in the nail bed and fold.
Some medications can cause lichen planus. The most common areas of involvement are wrists, elbows, scalp, anogenital area, front legs and soles of the feet.
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