Increase Intelligence Scores in Children with Nutrition

There are many factors that affect the physical and mental development of our children. The most important of these are genetics, environmental factors and nutritional habits. We do not have the chance to change genetic and environmental factors, but we can ensure that our children are both healthier and more successful by giving them the right nutritional habits.

We can examine the mental development process in three parts. The first period covers the period in the womb when brain development is fastest, the second period covers the baby's first 18 months, and the third period covers the period until the age of 5. In other words, the intelligence development of our children is determined by the foods consumed by both their mothers and later by themselves.


Omega-3: Long-chain fat. Acids are very important in the development of the brain and the retina of the eye. According to recent research, it has been stated that brain aging is slower in those who regularly consume foods rich in omega-3. It has also been reported that consumption of fish oil in the last 3 months of pregnancy and during breastfeeding increases IQ score. For this reason, it is very important for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers to consume omega-3 and also use it for the baby from 6 months of age for intelligence development. Especially small fish are rich in DHA fatty acid. Other than fish oil, foods containing omega-3 fatty acid precursors are walnuts, flaxseeds and purslane.

Choline: Choline, a type of vitamin B, is another important nutrient for brain development. Since brain development occurs in the first years of life, pregnant and lactating women should pay attention to consuming foods containing choline. Additionally, since it is naturally present in breast milk, babies should be given adequate amounts of breast milk. Egg yolk, which is very rich in choline, is suitable for babies at 6-7 weeks. One dose should be given every day starting from 1 month. Regular egg consumption of children is important for intelligence and school success.

Iron: It is the basic element of hemoglobin, which carries intense oxygen to the brain. In severe iron deficiency, they may show a decrease in intelligence score, behavioral disorders, growth retardation, sleep disorders, and seizures. Iron taken during pregnancy must also be taken during breastfeeding. Demand in breast milk in a baby who is exclusively breastfed Since the pus is very specific, iron deficiency anemia does not occur. Food sources of iron that should be included in children's nutrition are red meat, legumes, egg yolks, green leafy vegetables, grape molasses and dried fruits.

Zinc: It has an important role in converting proteins into energy and especially in mental development. Growth and development retardation may occur in zinc deficiency. Food sources where you can get zinc: seafood, meat, liver, hazelnuts, sunflower seeds, milk and eggs.

Iodine: Lack of iodine, which our body needs very little, negatively affects growth and development and the normal functioning of the brain. Iodine is the main component of thyroid hormones, and its deficiency causes mental retardation in children. For this reason, babies should be given sea (salt water) fish at least once a week starting from the 7th month and iodized salt should be started from the age of 1. Salt should be added after cooking to prevent iodine from being lost with the steam of the cooked food.

Vitamin B12: In a study conducted on school children; It has been found that children with B12 deficiency have poorer perception, lower school success, and increased attention deficits. Foods of animal origin such as red meat, eggs, milk and dairy products are sources of B12. For this reason, children should consume foods of animal origin 2-3 times a week.


Vitamins necessary for memory (A, D, B12, B). group). It contains tyrosine, which is necessary for the brain to receive and send signals. It provides the energy necessary for the body to stay fit and alert.


Increasing long-term memory, reducing brain damage and preventing future Alzheimer's disease. It contains polyphenols necessary to prevent the risk of disease.


 Thanks to the vitamin K it contains, it increases brain power and improves cognitive functions. Folic acid, found in high amounts in broccoli, helps eliminate problems such as tension, stress, irritable behavior and apathy.


Brown bread, whole wheat. rice, oats, wheat, millet, etc. grain and grain Primary products contain B6, B12 and folic acid. It keeps the memory strong, protects it, provides concentration and regular blood flow to the brain.


It helps brain development thanks to the curcumin pigment it contains.


Research has revealed that strawberries affect progressive memory and prevent learning losses, thanks to a flavonol compound called fisetin.


Full-fat yoghurt supports cell membrane development by increasing the activity of the brain. Dark fruit family such as currants, blueberries and blackberries that you can add to yoghurt contain high levels of antioxidants. They are rich in vitamins A and C, which are necessary for eyes, gums and general health. Studies have shown that these fruits strengthen memory.


Oatmeal, rich in protein and fiber, protects the health of the heart and brain vessels. One study found that children who ate oatmeal performed better on memory-related academic tasks than children who ate sugary cereals.


When students who go to school early do not have breakfast, their interest in classes decreases and this affects their school success. Eating breakfast before going to school positively affects school performance, mental clarity and exam success. It is known that choosing foods that raise blood sugar slowly instead of foods that raise blood sugar quickly for breakfast seriously affects school success. For this reason, it is appropriate to choose foods such as cheese, whole grain bread, eggs, seasonal vegetables and milk for breakfast.


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