Be prepared for social pressure
Those who follow diets are constantly followed and criticized by those around them. Those who follow a diet have a desire to eat under the influence of social pressure.
Mothers begin to fear as their children lose weight. They support your diet decision at first, but then they start questioning you by asking "Did you lose too much, did you lose too fast, did you lose your strength?" Maternity concerns come into play.

If the person cannot regulate his eating behavior, cannot go on a diet, or cannot lose weight, the person in front of him who is dieting and losing weight is quite disturbing. This person may also be a member of your family. If one of the spouses is on a diet and loses weight, his/her spouse may start to feel very uncomfortable about this situation. As the dieter loses weight, his self-confidence increases, which can create insecurity on the other side. Those who fail to diet are disturbed by their spouses being able to diet. Jealousy may come into play. Offering food to his/her spouse, buying food, and eating in front of them may increase. Desserts and pastries that their spouses love are made more often. Friends begin to feel the sadness of losing their dinner companions with whom they had a comfortable meal. Especially if your friends cannot regulate their eating behavior, they reflect the discomfort of their situation to you, either because they emulate you or because they cannot eat in front of you. You can spend the time you spend at dinner with your friends by going to the theater or dancing. When you are forced to eat, you can talk about the health benefits of your diet (sleep pattern, performance at work, reflux, migraine treatment). Your friend may have lost his partner in crime in irresponsible eating, but if he cares about you, he will agree to adjust the time you spend together accordingly.
As you lose weight, various comments will begin to come from those around you. Even when people are trying to regulate their eating behavior, they do not have as much difficulty as they do with the comments coming from those around them.

At this point, see whether you can reach the realistic goals you have set on time. If you have achieved these goals, and most importantly, if you feel that you have improved your eating habits in this process, continue on your way without getting discouraged. An answer like "It's going pretty well" can stop these questions. If this does not bring a solution, you can state that you do not want to talk about this issue and that you are not concerned with the numbers.

Make your decision and implement it.
None of these comments can lead a truly determined, very uncomfortable, aware and intelligent person astray. He has set his goal. He is on his way. He knows that there are many mountains and hills to climb, many plains to walk, and many streams to cross. He dreams of his goal. He gets excited about his goal. He is very happy in his destination.



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