Face and Neck Lift

For humans, aging is an undesirable yet unstoppable situation. As we reach our thirties, we begin to see the first signs of aging in the lines under our eyes and when we smile. These symptoms become more clearly and intensely visible with advancing age. All structures that make up our face are affected by these changes caused by aging.

The bone structures in the face begin to thin over time, causing skin elasticity to decrease and significant wrinkles to form. The decrease in the fat and muscle tissues under the facial skin and the sagging that begins to affect the soft tissue cause the entire skin to be adorned with wrinkles over time. These effects of passing time on our face cause our face to look lifeless and tired. It may be impossible to prevent the passage of time, but thanks to face lift operations, it is possible to delay the effects of aging and eliminate the negative consequences caused by aging.

Neck and Face Lift Surgery

Aesthetic face lift operations are not enough to stop aging. Neck lift surgery along with face lift surgery makes the patient look more vibrant, energetic, healthy and younger. The facial structure of a patient who has undergone facelift surgery makes the patient look very young and alive compared to his age, even if the effects of aging continue.

Anatomically, the face is divided into three different regions and each region is evaluated separately for the surgery. The area including the temple area, eyebrows and forehead is called the upper face. Forehead lift is generally applied to the upper face area. Cheek lift operations are performed on the area called midface, which includes the cheek area. The part of the face that includes the chin and neck area is called the lower face, and the procedure applied to this area is generally neck lift surgery. The aforementioned surgeries can be performed separately or simultaneously in each region.

Removal of Facial Wrinkles and Sagging with Face Lift Surgery

Face lift surgeries are performed with sedation. It can be done using local anesthesia, or under general anesthesia or It can be done. Although the surgery time varies depending on the application, it is expected to be between 3-6 hours on average. In upper face (forehead) lift operations, an incision is made within the scalp. In mid-face (cheek) and lower face (neck) lift surgeries, incisions are made in the same way by measuring the borders behind and in front of the ear. Since the scars of the operation remain in the fold areas and scalp, the patient does not see permanent and obvious scars.

Bruising and swelling in the facial area after the surgery is expected. The patient will not have serious pain complaints, but simple painkillers can be taken to relieve the pain felt at first. Applying ice therapy to the area where bruising and swelling is intense in the first 24-48 hours following the surgery provides significant benefit and reduces swelling. Some creams that should be taken with the advice of a doctor are also supportive that prevent bruising and accelerate the healing process.

After Aesthetic Face Lift Surgery

Most of the stitches missed in face lift surgeries dissolve. Since it does not require additional stitching. The few remaining stitches on the face can be removed after a week or ten days. The patient can completely return to his old life and work tempo one week after the surgery. After facelift operations, the drain is removed from the patient. This situation may require the patient to stay in the hospital until the next day of the surgery.

Face lift operations are operations that provide a high rate of success and eliminate the effects of wear and tear on the patient. It makes the person look livelier and younger than his actual age. Non-surgical lifting methods can also be beneficial in eliminating smaller wrinkles and problems.

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