Bathing your baby is a wonderful experience for many parents, but when and how to do it well can sometimes be a cause for concern for parents.
The World Health Organization (WHO) provides a baby's first bath 24 hours from birth. He recommends postponing it until later or waiting at least 6 hours if a full day is not possible due to cultural reasons.
Why wait?
If we look at the reasons why it is recommended to delay the baby's first bath;
Body temperature and blood sugar: Babies who take a bath immediately may be more likely to feel cold and develop a drop in body temperature (hypothermia). The minor stress of an early bath may also increase the likelihood that some babies will have low blood sugar (hypoglycemia). .
Dry skin: Vernix, a waxy white substance that coats a baby's skin before birth, acts as a natural moisturizer and may have antibacterial properties. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), it's best to leave the varnish on newborns' skin for a while to help prevent their sensitive skin from drying out. This is especially important for premature babies because their skin is highly susceptible to injury.
Note: Babies of mothers with HIV or hepatitis infection should be bathed appropriately immediately after birth to reduce the risk to hospital staff and family members.
How often do babies need a bath when they get home?
Newborns don't need a bath every day. They rarely sweat and get dirty enough to need a full bath.
Three baths a week may be sufficient in a baby's first year. Bathing more often can dry out your baby's skin.
Can my baby take a bath before the umbilical cord falls off?
Give only a sponge bath until the newborn's umbilical cord residue falls off. The umbilical cord remnant usually falls off at about one or two weeks of age; See a pediatrician if the baby is not dry and dropped by the age of two months.
How to take a sponge bath?
A sponge bath is like a regular bath, but you don't put your baby in water.
Baby sponge bath safety tips I:
Prepare the materials before you begin. Before you begin, have water, a damp washcloth rinsed with soap-free water, a dry towel, and anything else you might need handy.
Lay your baby on a flat surface that is comfortable for both of you. Arrange hard surfaces with a blanket or fluffy towel. If your baby is on a surface above the floor, always use a safety strap or keep one hand on her to prevent falls.
Start washing her face first. Use a damp cloth to wash your face. Be careful not to get water in your eyes or mouth. Then, wash the rest of his body.
Keep baby warm. During a sponge bath, wrap your baby in a dry towel and expose only the parts of his body that you are actively washing. Pay special attention to wrinkles under the arms, behind the ears, around the neck, and if it's a baby girl, especially in the genital area.
When is my baby ready for a regular bath?
After the navel area has healed, keep your baby out of the sponge bath directly. You can switch to a normal bathroom. Their first bath should be as soft and short as possible. Sometimes they can react a little, in which case you can return to the sponge baths for a week or two if you wish, and then try the bath again.
Baby tub safety tips:
Use a baby tub. She recommends a hard plastic baby tub with a curved, textured surface or hanger that prevents your baby from slipping.
Use touch control. Keep towels and other toiletries within reach so you can hold your baby's hand at all times. If you forget something during the bath or if you need to answer the phone or the door, you should take the baby with you.
Make sure your baby is water safe: Never leave your baby alone in the bath for even a moment because of the risk of suffocation.
Water Check the temperature: Fill the tub with about 5 cm of water that feels warm, not hot, to the inside of your wrist or elbow. If you are filling the basin from the faucet, turn on the cold water first (and turn it off last) to avoid scalding yourself or your child. Tap water that is too hot can quickly cause burns severe enough to require a hospital visit or even surgery. Actually, p Hot water burns are the most important cause of burns among babies and toddlers.
Keep your baby warm: After removing your baby's clothes, immediately put him in water to avoid cold. Use one hand to support the head and the other to guide it in, feet first. Talk to him encouragingly and gently lower the rest of his body until he is in the tub. Most of his body and face should be well above the water level for safety, so you should frequently pour warm water over his body to keep him warm.
Use soap sparingly. Soaps can dry out your baby's skin. If a cleaner is required for heavily soiled areas, use only mild, neutral pH soaps without additives. Rinse the soap off the skin immediately. Wash the baby's hair two or three times a week using a mild shampoo.
You may see scaly patches on your baby's scalp called scaly patches, a harmless condition seen in most babies. You can loosen the flakes with a soft-bristled brush while shampooing in the tub, but if it doesn't bother you, you can choose to leave it as is and not interfere.
Clean gently. Use a soft cloth to wash your baby's face and hair, being careful not to rub or pull their skin. Gently massage the entire scalp, including the area above the fontanelles (fontanelles-soft spots on the head). When rinsing the shampoo from the head, hold your hand towards the forehead so that the suds run to the sides, not the eyes. Wash the rest of his body from top to bottom. The more fun your child has in the bath, the less he is afraid of water. Taking a bath should be a very relaxing and relaxing experience.
Take it out and dry it off. When bath time is over, immediately wrap a towel around your baby's head and body to help them stay warm while they're still wet. To help prevent dry skin or eczema, gently pat baby dry and apply a small amount of fragrance-free, hypoallergenic moisturizing lotion immediately after bathing.
Knowing the basics makes bathing your baby a breeze. can become. Just make sure your baby stays comfortable and safe while bathing – and don't forget to soak up all the special moments that come with it!
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