What is Hemorrhoids (Basur)?

Hemorrhoids, also known as hemorrhoids among the people, is the swelling of the veins in the anal canal in the last part of the large intestine, usually as a result of strain, taking a breast-like appearance and coming out of the anus.

Who Gets Hemorrhoids (Hemorrhoids)?

Although it is often seen in middle and old age, it is seen that eating habits have changed recently. It can also be seen in young people with deterioration of
. It occurs at similar rates in both sexes. It is one of the most common breech diseases. There are certain common causes of hemorrhoids in patients. The causes of these hemorrhoids can be listed as follows:

Types of Hemorrhoids
< br /> Hemorrhoids disease is evaluated as internal hemorrhoids and external hemorrhoids.

Internal Hemorrhoids and Its Grades

Internal hemorrhoids are the type of hemorrhoids that cause the most complaints. They are located in the anal canal and
as the disease stage progresses, they protrude from the anus and cause problems such as pain, bleeding and difficulty in toileting.

1st Degree Hemorrhoids:
Normally, there is no significant growth in the hemorrhoidal pads, which is found in everyone. They are usually seen in endoscopic examinations performed for other reasons.

2nd Degree Hemorrhoids:
Slight enlargement of the hemorrhoid pads occurs. The patient feels a feeling of fullness in the rectum and
swelling at the breech edge in the toilet. At the end of the toilet, hemorrhoids spontaneously enter the anal canal

3rd Degree Hemorrhoids:
The hemorrhoids packs have grown considerably. They come out by pushing and can only be sent in
by pushing by hand. Complaints such as bleeding-pain are increasing.

4th Degree Hemorrhoids:
Hemorrhoid packs always stay out of the anal canal and cannot be pushed in. Even if pushed, it comes out easily. It also makes daily life quite difficult.

External Hemorrhoids

External hemorrhoids are located under the skin surrounding the anal canal. They become evident with straining. Sometimes they are associated with internal
hemorrhoids and this is called mixed type. If it thrombosed (the blood in it clots), it causes the patient
severe pain.

Hemorrhoids (Hemorrhoids) Symptoms

Internal hemorrhoids and external hemorrhoids symptoms Although there are differences from each other, it is possible to list the complaints and symptoms experienced by hemorrhoids
patients as follows:

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