Pilonidal sinus is an inflammatory disease that occurs under the skin in the coccyx and is usually filled with hair. Channels called sinuses extend from the deep infection site to the skin surface. Pilonidal means hair nest, and pilonidal sinus is generally seen in people with very hairy bodies. Although some doctors believe it is caused by hairs growing into the skin, this has not yet been proven. It is common in people with deep hip grooves.
Who gets it?
Pilonidal sinus can occur in almost anyone, but it mainly affects those between the ages of 16-30. It is common in people who sit a lot, especially in people who sit slouched. It is more common in men and is 10 times more common in women. In some cases, it can be treated with antibiotics and ointments.
In more serious cases, surgery is required. During surgery, the inside of the sinus is emptied (drained) or cut out. Drainage is the preferred treatment, but a drained sinus can become inflamed again. To completely eliminate the possibility of recurrence, the sinus must be removed.
What are the symptoms?
Itching and discharge in the coccyx, staining of the laundry, or painful or painless hard swellings in the coccyx. It may be in the form. Sometimes it occurs as a swelling-hardness with millimetric holes with no or very little discharge in the coccyx, which is noticed incidentally during any examination. Sometimes, it may appear as a very painful, large abscess that progresses with a suddenly rising fever and cannot be sat on, touched or walked on.
How is it treated?
Generally, non-surgical treatments do not produce results. For permanent treatment, the diseased mass must be completely removed. The biggest problem after surgery is recurrence. 10-20%may relapse. The most effective surgery is to close the wound by shifting tissue from the adjacent healthy area instead of the removed tissue, called Limberg flap shifting. According to my experience of more than 1000 surgeries, it is the most comfortable type of surgery, the fastest recovery, the earliest return to daily life (shortest rest period) and the least recurrence.
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