Recommendations for Adequate and Balanced Nutrition in Ramadan

Heavy iftar meal eaten after long-term fasting in Ramadan, not taking enough liquid, decrease in physical activity, increase in daily sweet consumption due to the effect of falling blood sugar bring along the risk of health problems, especially for individuals with chronic diseases. Since the number of meals consumed during Ramadan is low, food quality is more important than ever. Fasting with a single meal before getting up for sahur (can be done in between) reduces blood sugar; It can cause problems such as headache, weakness and slowing of metabolism. Therefore, in order not to experience gastrointestinal problems and to have a strong immunity, it is necessary to consume sufficient, balanced and correct food from iftar to sahur. Drink plenty of fluids between iftar and sahur. Fluid intake is not with drinks that have a diuretic (water-throwing) effect on the body, such as tea, coffee, cola; water should be provided with kefir, ayran, compote and plain mineral water. Consumption of water should be intermittent and little by little, not all at once and in large quantities. . Fiber foods both prolong the time of satiety and help to eliminate the problem of constipation due to less eating. A light breakfast with boiled egg or omelet, avocado, milk, cheese with low salt or without salt, olives, seasonal fruits and vegetables, raw nuts such as walnuts-hazelnuts-almonds and 1-2 slices of whole grain bread or soup, ayran, sugar-free compotes for sahur They are the best options that can be consumed.

Iftar should start with water, olives, soup, salad and the food should be chewed thoroughly. While soup meets the body's fluid needs to some extent, it also fills a part of the stomach volume, allowing heavy meals to be consumed in lower amounts. A salad with vinegar, on the other hand, helps to prevent imbalances in blood sugar and to experience a feeling of satiety by increasing insulin sensitivity. Take care to consume all food groups in iftar; vegetables, legumes, meat Meals should be consumed in a balanced and regular manner. Instead of foods that raise blood sugar quickly, such as rice pilaf and white bread, the glycemic index is relatively low, such as whole wheat bread, legumes, and whole wheat flour pasta; Foods with higher fiber content should be preferred. Those who want to lose weight or maintain their weight during Ramadan can also choose salads enriched with boiled legumes, buckwheat or quinoa. . There can be healthy choices such as fruit salad, ice cream, yogurt, kefir for snacks; In the meantime, desserts can be enjoyed. In order to reduce the feeling of thirst and hunger that may occur during the day, dessert, pita, pastry, etc. The consumption of carbohydrates should be in moderation.

I wish everyone a month of Ramadan full of health and happiness.

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