Why is eye health important?
Vision is the most perfect sense. Our eyes are our windows that connect us to the world, to which we owe 80% of our ability to learn and perceive among our five sense organs.
VIRRME >It is the most perfect sense of sensation. Our eyes are our windows that connect us to the world, to which we owe 80% of our ability to learn and perceive among our five sense organs. All our lives; Genetics, age, existing diseases and environmental factors can threaten our eye health. That's why regular and comprehensive eye examinations are part of a healthy life. Early diagnosis of all eye diseases is possible with a comprehensive examination using the right technologies. Even if there are no eye-related complaints, it is important to have an eye examination at 3-4 months, 1, 3 and 5 years of age in children, at least once a year in adults, and at intervals determined by the doctor in special risk groups, for the early detection of possible risks.
Thanks to a comprehensive eye examination, in addition to eye diseases, congenital metabolic diseases, neurological diseases such as Alzheimer's, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, various nerve palsies, systemic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, some rheumatological diseases, brain tumors and some cancers, such as AIDS, etc. Early diagnosis of some infectious diseases is also possible.
Important Tipfor Your Eye Healthe strong>s
You can understand that your vision is normal and your eye health is good only with a comprehensive eye examination. In addition, the only way to diagnose diseases such as glaucoma, diabetic eye disease and age-related macular degeneration early is to have a comprehensive eye examination, so that the patient may not have any complaints in the early stages of these diseases.
Be aware if people in your family have serious eye diseases, such as hereditary eye disease. It is important for you to know whether you are in the risky group in terms of eye health.
Vitamins A, C and E, lutein, zeaxanthin, beta- Take care to eat a diet rich in carotene and omega 3.
Smoking increases the risk of diseases such as cataracts, age-related macular degeneration and optic nerve damage.
Sunglasses protect our eyes from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. Make it a habit to use quality sunglasses.
If you have to work in front of the computer for long hours, avoid working on a bright monitor. Make it a habit to blink more often when you are in front of the computer. Look at a point 20 feet away for 20 seconds every 20 minutes.
Make sure to wash your hands when putting on and taking off your contact lenses. Remove and disinfect your lenses appropriately. Do not use contact lens materials and cosmetic products belonging to others. Be careful not to use cosmetic test products.
If your working environment requires the use of protective glasses, do not neglect it, make it a habit and protect your environment accordingly. be warned.
The light of your eyes shines Don't let it be! Stay happy, peaceful and healthy
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