Impotence is the name given to a man's difficulty in achieving an erection (hardening of the penis). This is called erectile dysfunction.
We call the man's inability to have sexual intercourse impotence. In other words, we can call the inability to have an erection, which allows the penis to easily enter the woman's vagina and urethra, as impotence. Failure to erect the penis is a very important problem for men. It is seen at a rate of 55% in our society. The source of erectile dysfunction may be physical or psychological. Erectile dysfunction is a sexual disorder specific to men, and this disorder may cause sexual reluctance, difficulty in ejaculation, or ejaculation without erection. Erectile dysfunction is seen as an organ disorder in 10-15% of cases, and as a psychological disorder in 85-90% of cases. It is more common in men over the age of 40. Men who have complaints of temporary impotence often find that such a problem does not occur when masturbating. In impotence, there is generally sexual desire, but the penile erection required for sexual intercourse does not occur.
The primary problem is the disruption of the erection reflex. The penis of a man with impotence does not become erect even when he feels sexual desire. Ejaculation and erection are separate reflexes. It is observed that some impotent men ejaculate without erection. The interruption of erection develops accompanied by a feeling of anxiety. Since the sexual act that causes anxiety may vary, the phenomenon of impotence also occurs differently from person to person. There is no other sexual problem that shakes and shames a man as much as impotence. Since erection is the measure of a man's self-confidence, as a natural result, impotence causes him to be psychologically and depressed.
We can list the physical causes of impotence as follows:
The production of anthrogen hormone. insufficiency
Liver problems
Being under psychological pressure
Hidden diabetes
Side effects of some drugs (cold and antidepressant drugs)
Smoking, alcohol and drug addiction
Premature Ejaculation
Anxiety about not being able to prove one's sexual power
Fear of failure
Various psychological events and tensions in our lives
Exciting jobs
Economic difficulties
br /> The brain is constantly in a state of boredom
Emotional satisfaction between couples
Fear of abandonment
Fear of castration settled in the subconscious
Power struggle between couples
Growing up in a repressive family
/> Not being able to fully receive love, respect and trust from the family
Before the couple comes to the sexual therapist, they should definitely go to the urologist and check whether there is an organic problem. If there is no organic problem, the treatment process begins with an expert sexual therapist upon the recommendation of the urologist. The sexual therapist first listens to the couples in detail together, and then listens to the couples in detail one by one. It determines a treatment method according to the individual and the couple. Since this situation occurs differently in each individual and couple, the therapist takes these differences into account and initiates a treatment process specific to the individual and the couple. Cognitive and behavioral treatment methods are most frequently used in the world. The aims of such treatments are; accurate information (restructuring) about sexuality; introducing people to the anatomical structure of their own body; discussing sexual myths; reducing anxiety; controlling ejaculation with breathing and relaxation exercises; teaching love games, massage, masturbation, sexual intercourse techniques given to couples to do at home, and various sexual intercourse techniques. Couples are helped to get rid of this situation by explaining sexual positions and making the treatment enjoyable and entertaining by making the treatment step by step with books, CDs, DVDs, models and simulators used in the treatments.
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