Because the newborn's skin is much drier and thinner than that of an adult, its capacity to trap moisture is extremely low. This affects the protective function of the skin and makes the newborn skin more susceptible to infections and various toxins. Until the baby's skin adapts to the external environment after birth, various skin problems such as toxic erythema, sebaceous hyperplasia, also called infantile acne, milia and host may be seen. The most common of these is the host problem, which usually involves the scalp. Host disease, which can become permanent for a long time and tend to recur even if it passes, is one of the important skin problems that should definitely be considered if not controlled with the right practices. It is a skin problem that occurs in the first weeks and is seen on the scalp. After birth, the baby's hair falls out to a large extent and new ones grow in its place. Usually, during this hair replacement process, dry skin crusts appear that cover the scalp. These crusts cover the entire scalp in the future and form a hard layer of white or yellow-brown appearance, and the yellow spots on the baby's scalp are called host disease in medicine. When these layers are kept soft by moistening and interventions such as forced combing are not applied, it does not cause pain to the baby, but still needs to be treated correctly. If not treated properly, it recurs frequently and can cause other skin problems in the future. Some skin problems may occur during this process. At birth, newborn skin is considered sterile, so the skin lacks the beneficial bacterial flora that protects it. This makes both the skin and the baby much more sensitive to external factors. During these weeks, the baby's skin begins to recognize various microorganisms and protect the baby by removing them. However, until this flora fully develops and settles, the skin becomes extremely dry and taut. In this case, the body produces a large amount of fat. It tries to soften the dry and tense skin tissue. This event, which is extremely beneficial for many areas of the skin, can cause some problems on the scalp. Oily substances produced in large amounts accumulate in the scalp of babies and then dry up and take the form of crusts and form yellow-brown conal layers. It's still circulating in his blood. These hormones are naturally compatible with fat, and the body tends to produce more oil than normal in the presence of these hormones. . Although the cleaning of the host is beneficial in some cases, the risk of damaging the baby's scalp during the procedure is extremely high. Therefore, it is important to have detailed information about this process before cleaning the crustacean layer. First of all, it is necessary to correctly determine the host areas in the head. Then, these areas are massaged with a suitable oil such as pure olive oil or baby oil, and the hard parts are softened. Softening the dry and crusty layer is the first and most important step of the host cleaning process in babies. This layer does not soften and if the cleaning is done while the crusts are still hard, the baby's scalp will be damaged, the upper layer of the skin will peel off and it may even bleed. This situation both causes the baby to suffer and increases the risk of infection in the scalp. Taking a warm shower during this practice helps the baby to relax, calm down and make the house cleaning process much easier. The host layer, which is degreased during the shower, softens with the effect of warm water and becomes ready to be cleaned. The best way to remove the softened layer from the baby's scalp is to comb the hair and scalp with a soft brush after bathing. In this way, while the hosts are easily removed, irritation of the skin is prevented and skin integrity is preserved.
How is the host in babies?
If appropriate care is not given, the problem of consent is one of the serious problems that recurs frequently and affects the comfort of the baby as well as affecting the scalp development. In order to pass the host, it must first be cleaned correctly and the tissue integrity of the scalp must not be damaged during the cleaning process. Skin care should be done at appropriate intervals on the area that is softened by massaging with a suitable baby oil or pure extra virgin olive oil and then cleaned with a soft brush. Otherwise, the hosts will be removed only once and the risk of recurrence is high in a short time. Babies who are deprived of proper cleaning and care develop various health problems as well as host and similar skin problems. Therefore, regular care is required both to pass the host existing in the hair and to prevent the recurrence of such problems by obtaining a healthy skin tissue. then combing the area with a soft brush is sufficient to remove the host layer. However, recurrent host problems in infants require a more holistic care. At this point, it is necessary to add the baby's scalp care to the daily care routine and to massage the scalp with valuable oils every day. Thanks to oils and massage, the baby's scalp is softened, nourished and the risk of recurrence of the host problem is greatly reduced. Since the host layer is revealed by drying and scaling, the first step towards transferring the host should be to properly moisturize the affected area of the skin. However, even if the host layer in that area is removed, it can recur in a short time or can be seen in other areas. Therefore, in order to fully overcome the host problem, it is necessary to apply the care that the scalp needs in the right way and at the right time.
How is the Host Treatment in Babies?
The host disease in infants usually regresses rapidly thanks to the above-mentioned practices. is brought under control. However, in some cases, the baby's scalp becomes extremely sensitive and sometimes Making applications becomes extremely difficult. The occurrence of dermatitis, infection and other similar problems with the host on the scalp causes the skin to have a reddened and edematous appearance. In this table, the sensitivity of the baby increases extremely and taking care of the host may cause the baby to hurt. In such cases, in order to control the host problem, first of all, shampoos and creams produced for this problem may be preferred. After these products, which relieve the dryness of the area and soothe the redness and sensitivity, are used for a while, it is necessary to control the sensitivity of the area to the baby and to switch to holistic host care in line with the baby's responses. If the baby is hurt during these care and applications, it may cause him to develop resistance to both applications and important events such as taking a shower. Therefore, it should be ensured that the baby does not get hurt while taking care of the host for babies, and the treatment plan should be shaped according to his/her reactions. It usually tends to regress spontaneously and disappears in about 3 months. In some cases, this period may last up to 1 year, but if it does not cause serious discomfort to the baby, no treatment is required.
Hospital treatment is mostly preferred when problems such as itching, redness, increased sensitivity, bleeding, leakage and discharge occur on the scalp. This may be a sign of the presence of an infection on the baby's skin or makes the skin prone to infection. Since the baby's healthy skin flora is not yet developed, the skin cannot fully fulfill its protective function, and any infection that develops on the baby's skin tends to become severe rapidly. This situation puts the health integrity of the baby and its development in this direction at risk. Therefore, it is one of the important issues that should be emphasized as of the beginning of the host in babies. Especially in the presence of persistent host and in case of an increase in the baby's discomfort level, the scalp should be evaluated by a specialist dermatologist and a suitable treatment plan should be made for the baby in line with the physician's recommendations.
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