Fixed Appliances

Will I need to use another appliance when my treatment is finished?

You should consider the whole treatment in 2 stages. The first phase is the active phase in which wires and/or removable appliances are used, and the second phase is the passive treatment phase in which retainer appliances are used after the brackets are removed. After the active phase is over, removable, removable or fixed retention appliances that are attached to the back surface of the teeth must be worn. The duration of use of these appliances varies depending on the treatment performed. Your orthodontist will tell you the most suitable time.

How often will I need to come for appointments?

You must come to check-up appointments at regular intervals. This usually varies between 2-8 weeks (average 4 weeks).

Is there any regular dental check-up other than the orthodontist?

Any other than orthodontic treatment? Against the risk of a cavity, a check-up from a general dentist will be useful for the treatment of existing cavities, depending on the guidance of the orthodontist.

What if I do contact sports?

Boxing. Sports such as football, basketball, ice skating, skateboarding and horseback riding may cause more damage to the teeth than normal in case of a possible fall or impact. Therefore, mouth guards will need to be used during such sports activities throughout orthodontic treatment.

What if I play a wind instrument?

The use of wind instruments becomes difficult when there are brackets on the teeth. . If you want to play your instrument while receiving orthodontic treatment, you should ask your orthodontist or music teacher for their recommendations.


What should I do when my bracket breaks/falls off?

You will need to make a new appointment to explain the situation. That's why you should call the clinic for an appointment as soon as possible. Your orthodontist will give you information about what to do. If bracket rupture recurs due to careless nutrition, your treatment may be stopped early.

Fixed orthodontic treatment (bracket bonding) is applied to correct crooked teeth!

When fixed orthodontic treatment begins, there will be many questions waiting to be answered. . You should read the brochure you are holding for more information.

Will it be painful?

After the brackets are applied, you will have mild pain in the form of sensitivity in your teeth for approximately 3-5 days. If necessary, simple painkillers with the guidance of your orthodontist will help you relieve your pain. If your brackets rub against your lips and cheeks and cause discomfort, you can use orthodontic wax to relax the oral tissues during the initial period. Your orthodontist will give the necessary advice on this matter.

Can I remove the brackets myself?

The brackets will remain firmly on your teeth throughout your treatment. You will need to keep them well protected on your teeth for the treatment to proceed quickly and well. In order to prevent damage to your brackets;

This picture shows teeth that have been badly affected during orthodontic treatment as a result of poor oral hygiene and careless nutrition.


How and how often should I brush my teeth?

It is very important that you brush your teeth at least 2 times a day (at least 2 minutes). Fluoride toothpaste You should use it. You have to carry your toothbrush with you throughout the day.

Brushing with your brackets on your teeth will take a little longer than before. You should brush the areas between your brackets and gums very carefully. Your orthodontist will prescribe you special brushes to make brushing those areas easier. Daily use of alcohol-free fluoride mouthwash will be very beneficial for your oral hygiene. You should use your mouthwash at another time of the day when you do not brush your teeth. This way, you will maintain the fluoride-protective effect of mouthwash in your mouth for a longer period of time. You should not rinse your mouth and do not eat or drink anything for 20 minutes after gargling. Poor oral hygiene will cause permanent teeth to be negatively affected and decay during the orthodontic treatment process.

How long will the treatment last?

It usually varies between 12-30 months. If you do not attend your regular appointments or cause permanent bracket damage, the treatment period will definitely be extended.

Will I use anything additional during my fixed treatment?

In some cases, the use of elastic may be required. . Elastics will need to be used throughout the day. Again, in some cases, you can use extra-oral devices such as a chin rest or neck rest. Your orthodontist will provide you with detailed information on this subject.


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