Slimming (Weight Loss) with Bioresonance Therapy

Nowadays, the value of a healthy life is more important than ever... After the coronavirus epidemic that has surrounded the whole world, many suggestions are offered for a strong immune system, and among these suggestions, being at the ideal weight for a healthy body and proper nutrition advice come first.

In this article, we will give information about how to lose weight in a healthy way with bioresonance therapy, what is slimming with bioresonance…

Slimming with Bioresonance

According to body mass index (weight divided by height squared). If the value in the calculation is between 25 and 29.9, you are overweight; if you are between 30 and 39.9, you are obese. Everyone who is outside the normal weight limits wants to lose weight, but those who really want can achieve this. Weight loss is a team effort and the head of this team is the individual himself…

When it comes to losing weight, almost everyone wants to get rid of the weight as soon as possible. However, with a healthy weight loss, weight should be lost without disrupting the body's mineral and vitamin balance, otherwise it will bring about many other problems.


We cannot attribute a person's weight gain only to eating too much. Obtained from our clients. As a result of our experiences, we see that there are serious food intolerances. Food intolerance is explained as the reaction of the digestive system to a substance contained in the foods we consume. This substance cannot be digested or broken down properly by the digestive system. As a result, it causes damage to the digestive system…


To give an example, you often hear about food intolerance, they say "I cut out bread and then I lost weight very quickly"... Here he is actually talking about a hidden food intolerance. … When you stop consuming food that harms your system, the body relaxes and as you move away from the wheat it has stored, the fats in the body begin to dissolve and the digestive system gets in order.

Among the problems that cause us to gain weight are intestinal parasites and candida fungus. There may be other reasons such as.


Many reasons, such as the examples we gave above, can cause us to gain weight. In slimming with bioresonance, the process is sugar, Weight loss is achieved by reducing our desire for foods and nutrients that cause us to gain weight, such as carbohydrates and chocolate, and our health is protected by staying away from these foods.

Dessert, which is one of the most common problems during diets. Thanks to bioresonance, challenging situations such as depression and excessive desire for pastries are interrupted, this addiction to which the body is accustomed is eliminated, and weight loss is achieved in a healthy way if the diet program prepared by an expert is followed.


In summary, in slimming sessions with bioresonance therapy, the person's appetite is reduced and weight loss is achieved. With the bioresonance therapy applied at the clinic of Specialist Doctor Fulden Küçük, the person's condition is examined in detail and weight loss is achieved as a result of a study in which the person plays the leading role, with the diet list given after the bioresonance therapy.


>Wishing you healthy and beautiful days…


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