Flu Outbreaks and Pneumonia


In our country, flu epidemics generally occur between November and March. The flu agent is a

virus. (influneza). Patients with a mild course usually recover within 7-10 days. Severe

patients with severe disease and death usually suffer from immune system problems; It is seen in people who are depressed due to additional diseases, old age, or medications they use. Death most often occurs due to pneumonia

. Pneumonia is among the most common diseases and causes the most deaths all over the world and in our country. It is the fifth cause of death in Turkey. Pneumonia can be more fatal, especially in infants,

children, the elderly, and people with another known disease.

Every year, 10 to 12 million children under the age of 5 die from pneumonia in the world. Pneumonia occurs in flu epidemics for two reasons. The first is that the flu virus itself

progresses into the lungs and causes pneumonia. The second is that pneumonia occurs with the bacteria added to the virus infection. In both cases, early diagnosis and urgent

treatment can be lifesaving. If it is not diagnosed in time and the disease progresses, it may turn into advanced forms that will require intensive care. Starting treatment as soon as pneumonia is diagnosed reduces mortality rates. In patients with compatible clinical findings, chest radiography is often sufficient to make the diagnosis. The arrow sign in the picture shows the diseased area.

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