What is Entitlement/Supremacy Chart?

If you have the Entitlement/Grandiosity chart, some of the following will be very familiar to you

If you have the Right/Supremacy schema, you may have childhood experiences similar to the following:

The Imperfection/Shame schema and the Emotional Deprivation schema may also be other origins. You may have developed a perception of being "special/superior" to lessen the pain of these
schemas. but there is a feeling of superficiality.

  • You are successful but you feel lonely, depressed and incomplete. But you don't understand why.
  • You are in a very good financial situation, you are at a good point in your career, but you are depressed for no reason.
  • Your partners feel lonely, worthless and neglected.
  • Great challenge in business life because you don't like being told what to do
  • You get in trouble with legal problems because you think the law/rules don't apply to you.
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