Why is Iron Deficiency Important?

According to the World Health Organization, the biggest nutritional problem in the world is iron deficiency. Iron deficiency, which is estimated to affect 80% of the world's population, causes anemia if it lasts for a long time. Especially in developing countries, the incidence of anemia due to iron deficiency is higher than in developed countries.

Iron is the basic building block of hemoglobin, a protein that gives blood its red color and ensures the transport of oxygen in the blood. Iron is the basic element that enters the basic structure of hemoglobin and is of great importance in transferring the oxygen taken from the lungs to the tissues by binding to hemoglobin. In addition to this vital importance, iron is also necessary for the synthesis of DNA, which contains our genetic codes. It also supports the body's immune system and keeps the body fit. It allows you to benefit more from B vitamins.

Iron Deficiency Anemia

Anemia occurs when there is insufficient iron and this is called ''iron deficiency anemia''. It is called . According to statistics, iron deficiency anemia is seen in 35% of women, 20% of men and 50% of pregnant women in the world. grams of iron are present. Most of this iron is in the blood and the hemoglobin part of red cells, as well as in the liver, spinal cord and muscles.

If you are wondering if your iron stores are deficient, you can look for symptoms of deficiency.

Iron. Symptoms of Deficiency


Foods Rich in Iron

Foods rich in animal protein; offal, beef respectively Foods such as meat and mutton are rich in iron. Although these foods have high iron content, their absorption rates are also high. Iron of animal origin is called Heme Iron. Apart from meat, rich sources of iron are well-cooked legumes, soybeans, eggs, dried fruits (especially raisins, dried apricots), molasses, green leafy vegetables (spinach, chard), hazelnuts, peanuts. foods such as sesame, sesame and tahini. Iron of plant origin is called Non-Heme Iron.

The absorption of heme iron is considerably higher than that of non-heme iron.

Nutritional Recommendations to Prevent Iron Deficiency Anemia

The amount of iron taken with food may be less than the requirement. Dairy products are poor in iron. Iron deficiency occurs whenever the dietary iron intake does not meet the body's needs.

We can get 20-25 mg of iron with daily nutrition, but only 1-2 mg of iron can be absorbed from the small intestines. The most absorbable iron source is foods containing heme iron. Although eggs seem rich in iron, the phosphotidine substance contained in them reduces iron absorption. For this reason, the absorption rate of iron in eggs is 15%.

When non-heme iron source foods are taken with vitamin C, they are converted into heme iron and thus their absorption increases 3 times. Good sources of non-heme iron are, respectively:
Green leafy vegetables, legumes, nuts, oilseeds, molasses, dried fruits, bulgur, bread made from whole wheat or rye flour.

In order not to block the iron we get from meat, especially It would be more meaningful for someone with iron deficiency to choose a salad with plenty of lemon instead of consuming ayran or yoghurt with meat, in terms of iron utilization. The iron mineral and the calcium mineral found in dairy products are in a race while being absorbed from the intestine, and the one with more amount wins the race. Since there is more calcium in this race, it will be the winner. Recent studies indicate that the calcium in yoghurt does not reduce the absorption of iron found in animal-based proteins, but reduces the absorption of iron in foods of plant origin (such as iron in spinach). According to this research, consuming ayran or yoghurt with meat does not reduce iron absorption, while yoghurt consumed with spinach reduces the absorption of non-heme iron in spinach. It can completely prevent it.

Drinking tea during meals will reduce iron absorption, so tea should be drunk between meals and openly. You can squeeze a drop of lemon into your tea to prevent the tea you drink from affecting iron absorption.

Iron-rich foods should be consumed with foods containing vitamin C. The reason for this is; Vitamin C greatly increases the absorption of iron.

If iron supplement is recommended, it is most appropriate to consume it with fruit / freshly squeezed fruit juice while fasting or as a snack.

Adequate and balanced nutrition and nutrition. It is the most important key to prevent all health problems associated with it. Do not be late to learn correct, adequate and balanced nutrition.

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