21 Day Rule

When you want to gain any habit or change a habit, there is a sentence you always hear from those around you: "If you last 21 days, it will pass!"

For some of us, this sentence, which is no different from an urban legend, actually contains serious science. For most people, this time may be seen as insufficient or unnecessary.

However, 21 days is completely enough time for the brain to accept something new or forget existing information.

We usually make such radical decisions when dieting, starting sports, or quitting smoking. Even the pain of love is included in this. Even suffering from love pain for more than 21 days is actually a trick of your brain...


We are focusing on a personal goal for 1 day. After three weeks, pursuing this goal becomes a habit. Once you acquire this habit, if you continue to do it for another 90 days, that is, three weeks and then if you can keep something for 90 days, then it becomes a permanent lifestyle change.

As you know, getting used to something, forming a habit takes 20 days in our minds. It is a situation that occurs every day. When you do the same action for 20 days, you will become a habit on the 21st day.

Think about it. When you first get your driver's license, we constantly think about looking left and right, turning signals, turning on the headlights, changing gear and where the pedals are. After a certain period of time, after we start driving, our brain makes it automatic.

It would be appropriate to give your subconscious some time during your individual development journey. During this time, your subconscious will mature. There is only one rule you should never forget here; You need to do what you want regularly every day for 21 days, without interruption.

Since habits are acquired over and over again, your mind and muscles begin to memorize something that is repeated. We don't think about brushing our teeth, walking or tying our shoes, do we?

Efforts to change habits by using willpower alone only work for a short time. Then it's back to old habits; Because when consciousness and subconscious conflict, the subconscious always wins.

You should consciously quit smoking. You may want to quit, but as long as there is a positive record about smoking in your subconscious, even if you use your willpower to quit smoking for a while, you will start again after a while.

Remember that; You can't change a habit by trying to get rid of it. But you can create a new habit. Eliminating bad habits is more difficult than learning something new.That's why you should not give up and get support from your loved ones if necessary. Once you've accomplished the challenge, most other things can wait five minutes. The pleasure of focusing on the goal and achieving victory will be something else.

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