Laser Lipolysis (Liposuction) is the aspiration process of subcutaneous fat tissues, which is entered through very small incisions with the help of special cannulas connected to a vacuum pump, preserving the vascular and nerve structures. laser lipolysis magnificent diligent LIPOSUCTION SURGERY (FAT REMOVAL SURGERY) Liposuction is the aspiration process of subcutaneous fat tissues by entering through very small incisions with the help of special cannulas connected to a vacuum pump, preserving the vascular and nerve structures. Liposuction surgery is one of the most popular surgeries today, but its effectiveness and indications for surgery are also one of the most misunderstood. Liposuction surgery is not a weight loss method. The aim after liposuction surgery is not to lose weight, but to tighten and help tighten, and to help correct body lines. As technology has advanced in recent years, we, as a team that follows this technology closely, now use laser lipolysis or 3D laser lipolysis techniques instead of classical liposuction, except in cases of necessity. For this reason, I highlighted the places where the word liposuction is mentioned in parentheses throughout the rest of my page. Laser lipolysis and laser liposuction are the same thing, but the difference from classical liposuction is that liposuction is performed using the heat and firming effect of the laser device. 3D laser lipolysis is a new concept, and it is the completion of the fat removal and shaping process by activating devices working with 3 different technologies at different stages. With 3D laser lipolysis, more fat can be removed and the skin is tightened much better. However, 3D laser lipolysis is not suitable for overweight patients. If you are very overweight, unfortunately this surgery is not for you. Regional slimming and contour correction are performed with liposuction surgery. The most suitable candidates for liposuction surgery (3D laser lipolysis surgery) are young-middle-aged patients with regional excess, and the indication for surgery must be determined correctly. GOALS OF LIPOSUCTION SURGERY (3D LASER LIPOLYSIS SURGERY) Although personal factors play a role in the definition of beauty in 3D laser lipolysis surgery, common beauty concepts that are united by everyone living in the same culture can be defined. In the female figure " The distinct "S-curves" add to the beauty. People are affected by the harmony created by these curves. While concavity in the waist area and convexity in the hip area stand out in women, these lines are straighter in men. The aim of liposuction surgery (liposuction, 3D laser lipolysis surgery) is to create the concept we call open S curves or to achieve a state close to this appearance. WHO CANNOT BE APPLIED TO LIPOSUCTION SURGERY (3D LASER LIPOLYSIS SURGERY)? I) Absolute Contraindications (Unacceptable Candidate): Morbid Obesity (those with a body mass index of 30 and above) Patients with very high skin laxity (regardless of age) Patients with collagen diseases Those who cannot maintain weight balance due to endocrine diseases Hernias (those with an umbilical or inguinal hernia) Bleeding Those with a disorder II) Relative Contraindications (Acceptable Candidate) Skin laxity (regardless of age) Cellulite (we perform laser lipolysis for the treatment of cellulite with the latest methods, but normal liposuction may not give the desired results in patients with cellulite.) Scars due to weight changes LIPOSUCTION SURGERY ( THINGS YOU NEED TO DO BEFORE 3D LASER LIPOLYSIS SURGERY If we want to get maximum results from liposuction surgery (3D laser lipolysis surgery), you need to start a realistic and most suitable diet for you at least 2 weeks before the surgery and, if possible, start exercising. By doing this, you can get more effective results in the post-operative period by regulating the body's fat metabolism. If we are using blood thinners, herbal teas, etc. before liposuction surgery (3D laser lipolysis surgery), we should definitely stop using them. If you are using any pills for weight loss before the surgery, you should definitely stop. LIPOSUCTION SURGERY (3D LASER LIPOLYSIS SURGERY) RECOVERY PROCESS After entering the operating room for 3D laser lipolysis surgery with great excitement, after your surgery is over and you go to the waking up phase and come to your senses, the first thing you will experience is the pressure effect in the application area... Do not be afraid when you feel this. Because the reason for this effect is your corset, which will integrate with you for a period of 2-6 months. When you realize that this effect is caused by the corset, you will start to feel very little pain in the application areas. and you will be given painkillers for this pain. If you feel well after removing the effect of anesthesia from your body (6-24 hours on average), you can be discharged from the hospital. In general, the average hospital stay after 3D laser lipolysis surgery is 12-48 hours. We invite you to our office for dressing on the 1st or 2nd day after you are discharged from the hospital, and when we remove your corset, you will see small incisions that vary depending on the area, the largest size of which does not even exceed 0.5 cm. Another thing that will attract your attention will be the bruises that appear at varying rates depending on your skin sensitivity. All these bruises and incision areas will disappear completely within 30 days. (There is no rule that says these bruises will occur in every patient, and the average time for these bruises to disappear is 2-4 weeks, depending on your skin structure.) After the dressing is completed, you will wear your corset again and will not take it off for 1 month. In some application areas, these periods may increase or decrease. The reason why you wear the corset and never take it off is to ensure that the space left in place of the fat tissues removed from your excess areas adheres well to the skin. In the 6-month period after liposuction surgery (liposuction, 3D laser lipolysis surgery), your edema will decrease rapidly and your body lines will begin to become clear, and you will start to see these effects from the 1st month. To summarize the recovery process of liposuction surgery: 5 Periods of the fat removal surgery (3D laser lipolysis surgery) recovery process: 1) Early Post Op Period (1-7 days) 2) Fatigue period (7-15 days) 3) Disappointment period (16-25 days) During this period, you will feel as if you still have excess weight and you may feel discomfort due to edema.) 4) Relaxation period (26-42 days) 5) Satisfaction period (>6 weeks) Swelling decrease in 5 days, daily use in 5-7 days activities Sports in 3 weeks (depending on the area applied, this period may extend up to the 6th week) Bruising disappears in 3-4 weeks Swelling disappears in 6 weeks Final situation in a month WHAT ARE THE POSSIBLE COMPLICATIONS OF LIPOSUCTION SURGERY (3D LASER LIPOLYSIS SURGERY)? My purpose in writing this section is not to scare you, but to raise awareness and to convey correct information to you in every aspect. Complication is something that every surgeon encounters, and the important thing is to avoid such a situation. This is the attitude to be displayed when confronted. Therefore, be sure to discuss all the details with your doctor before the surgery and ask anything that comes to your mind. Possible complications of liposuction surgery: The more fat aspirate is removed, the more fluid and blood is lost from the body. For this reason, when an average of more than 3-4 liters of fat is removed, it may be necessary to supplement with external blood and plasma. In this case, your hospital stay will be extended. There may be extreme sensitivity or, on the contrary, loss of sensation or numbness in the applied area. This condition disappears on its own in an average of 3 months and is not exactly a complication. There may be slight fluctuations and slight dimples in the applied areas, which are minimized by using a corset. But if these fluctuations have been replaced by deep pits and dimples, unfortunately you will need to have a second surgery to correct this situation, preferably within 6 months - 1 year. Hematoma due to bleeding in the applied area and the resulting fluid collection and bruises that remain for a long time. This is a condition that can be treated and prevented with early intervention from your doctor. Asymmetry may occur in the applied area, in which case a surgical procedure may be required to correct it. Permanent loss of sensation in that area as a result of damage to the sensory nerves in the application area. LASER LIPOLYSIS, LASER LIPOSUCTION, FAT REMOVAL WITH LASER LIPOLYSIS. With the development of technology, methods have been developed that assist liposuction surgery and enable much more fat removal in a much shorter time. Some of these methods; Internal Ultrasound Assisted Liposuction (IUAL) VASER External UAL (eUAL) Laser Assisted Liposuction (LAL) Powered Assisted Liposuction (PAL) The difference between laser lipolysis and liposuction is that before starting liposuction, heat is given to the application area up to a certain joule value with the help of laser beam. This heat causes the fat cells to liquefy and the inert and stubborn fat layer in the lower layer to open/move. After achieving this effect, the liposuction process is started. In this way, the vacuum process is applied in a much shorter time and much more effectively. Another advantage of laser lipolysis is that it tightens the skin, reduces and even disappears existing cellulite. but. At the same time, laser lipolysis is the most effective lipolysis method for breast enlargement due to excess fat in men. Laser lipolysis; It is also the most effective method in the treatment of patients who have had liposuction surgery before but have pits and undulations that were not performed properly. Fat removal surgery with laser lipolysis (laser liposuction) is a very popular practice today and the efficiency of fat removal surgery has increased. TO WHICH AREAS ARE LASER LIPOLYSIS OR LIPOSUCTION APPLIED? Fat removal surgery with laser lipolysis is applied to every area where there is regional excess fat. However, it is necessary to avoid applying laser lipolysis fat removal surgery to the inner legs in large amounts. In order not to affect the lymph circulation in the inner legs, it is applied to this area in a controlled and less frequent way. Liposuction surgery can also be applied to the excess on the sides after breast reduction surgery with laser lipolysis. After tummy tuck surgery, fat removal can be performed on the upper abdomen and waist area with controlled laser lipolysis. WHEN TO START SPORTS AFTER FAT REMOVAL SURGERY (3D LASER LIPOLYSIS SURGERY)? After liposuction surgery, it is 3-4 weeks before you start exercising, and after the second week, if you are not having any difficulty, you can start doing pilates and fitness. But for comfortable sports, it is useful to wait 3-4 weeks after liposuction surgery.
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