What is Adenoid?
Adenoid is a member of lymph tissue like tonsils. It is a small tissue located in the back of the throat, above the tonsils, in the back of the nasal cavity and in the upper part of the soft palate. With its shape resembling a bunch of grapes, it is located between the throat and nose. Adenoid and tonsils are responsible for preventing harmful bacteria and viruses that will enter our body through the nose and mouth. Adenoids and tonsils are involved in the defense of the upper respiratory tract. However, the difference between the two is that if the adenoid is too large, it causes blockage of the nasal cavity. It reaches its maximum size between the ages of 3-7, especially in children, when they most commonly encounter infection, and after this age it usually begins to shrink. In an adult, it disappears completely. If the parents smoke in the presence of the child, that is, if the child is a passive smoker, it causes infections, and as a result of these infections, the lymphoid formations that lead to adenoids grow. Enlargement and inflammation of the adenoids may cause some problems.
What Causes Enlarged Adenoids?
One of the most important reasons for the enlargement of adenoids is infections and allergic reactions. Because the adenoid traps germs, it sometimes becomes inflamed and temporarily enlarged by bacteria. It usually returns to normal size when the infection subsides. Sometimes it may remain enlarged or grow spontaneously. When the adenoid grows too much, it blocks the nasal cavity and therefore makes breathing through the nose difficult. If the adenoid grows too much, when it opens towards the middle ear cavity (eustachian tube), it blocks the mouth of the eustachian tube and prevents the middle ear from ventilating. Ear problems may also occur in such cases. This condition is most common in children. Some children are born with large adenoids. Although very rare, these conditions can also be seen in adults.
Adenoid Enlargement Symptoms
- Nasal congestion and difficulty breathing
- Continuous breathing through the mouth
- Recurrent upper respiratory tract infections
- Nasal speech
- Snoring during sleep, sleep apnea (inability to breathe for a few seconds during sleep)
- Middle ear infections and hearing loss
- Nocturnal urination in children incontinence or distraction problems
- Bad breath
- Deterioration in jaw and tooth structure, tooth decay
Adenoid Diagnosis
Physical examination of the patients is performed by an ear, nose and throat doctor in line with their complaints. Since physical examinations can be unsettling, especially for children, diagnosis can also be made through x-ray examination.
Adenoid Treatment
Adenoid treatment can be done in two ways, medical and surgical, in line with the doctor's decision depending on the patient's condition. Surgical treatment may be planned in cases where the adenoid is determined to be large enough to block the airway or in cases of frequent upper respiratory tract infections that cannot be controlled despite treatments. If sleep apnea has developed and there is constantly recurrent fluid collection in the middle ear, the adenoid must be removed.
For Which Age Groups is Surgery Suitable?
Adenoid surgery is suitable for all age groups, unless your doctor determines any health problems that would prevent surgery. However, for children, it is recommended to wait until the age of 2 unless it is necessary. It is considered suitable for younger babies and children who have trouble breathing while sleeping. There is no upper limit for adults.
How Does Adenoid Surgery Perform?
This surgery is performed with general anesthesia. It is a short surgical procedure that takes approximately 15 minutes. Our patients recover quickly after the surgery. During the surgery, the adenoid is removed with tools called adenotome, without making any incisions on the skin. If no adverse events are encountered, patients are discharged approximately 4 hours after the operation. The general condition of the child at the time of discharge is quite good.
Things to Consider After Adenoid Surgery
After this surgery, our patients are advised to stay away from hot and solid foods on the same day. Warm and soft foods are generally recommended. It is considered normal to have mild pain in the throat and tongue for 2-3 days. We recommend our pediatric patients not to go to school for approximately 5 days.
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