The condition called hyper uricemia, which can be defined as an increase in uric acid in the blood, can be caused either by the production of too much uric acid in the body or the low excretion of uric acid through the kidneys. (DNA, which transfers the genetic coding to generations in living cells, is found in the chromosomes in the cell nucleus. Purine and pyrimidine, adenine guanine stosine uracil bases form the DNA helix.) Uric acid is the final product formed by the breakdown of these bases. Mostly 70% with the kidneys, 30% with the intestines. The amount of uric acid shows the balance between being made in the liver and intestines and excreted by the kidneys. The amount of uric acid in the blood changes constantly depending on the foods and their uric acid content. It varies between 3-6.5 mg/100 ml in women. Changes can be an indicator of many diseases. Increase in uric acid can cause disorders in many organs. Before giving blood for uric acid test, 10-12 hours of fasting is required. Anti-inflammatory in the 24 hours before blood draw It is necessary to cut the intake of (anti-inflammatory) drugs, cortisone, glucose (sugar), ascorbic acid (Cvit). Vitamin C increases the excretion of uric acid from the kidneys. These substances can reduce or increase the level of uric acid.
Determining the level of uric acid is a fundamental examination in the diagnosis and treatment of GUT. cancer), some anemia (mediterranean anemia), lymphatic system cancers, hyperthyroidism (overwork of the thyroid gland), hypothyroidism (under-functioning of the thyroid gland) and some hormonal diseases, chronic kidney diseases, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension diseases. p>
The factors causing high uric uric acid level in the blood:
1-Salt restriction.
Clinical diseases:
2-Hypothyroidism(slow functioning of the thyroid gland)
3-Chronic kidney failure
4-Lead nephropathy(lead damage to the kidneys)
5-Blood volume deficiency (if there has been blood loss)
6-Chronic nutritional disorder (malnutrition)
7-diabetic ketoacidosis (diabetic patients have blood loss) Although it is a nutrient, energy is obtained from body fat, since energy cannot be obtained by going to the tissues. When fats are broken down, molecules called ketones come out. These molecules are acid rooted. When it accumulates too much in the blood, the blood pH shifts to acid. This condition is called ketoacidosis.)
8-Lactic acidosis(states where lactic acid increases in the blood)
9-Preeclampsia(pregnancy toxicity)
10-Familial juvenile hyperuricemic nephropathy(childhood kidney disease)
11-Medullary cystic kidney
12-Glomerular cystic diseases
13-Gene mutations encoding urate transporter protein
14-Sudden exercise
16-Congestive heart failure
17-Psychological and physical stress.
To summarize briefly, obesity, drugs that reduce kidney functions, kidney diseases, genetic factors, nutritional disorders, thyroid gland diseases, some cancers, hyperlipemia (high blood fats), insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome cause an increase in blood uric acid level. Insulin resistance and Fatty liver can cause high uric acid levels, and high uric acid levels can cause insulin resistance and liver fat. and prevents cancer development.
-Inhibits oxidation catalyzed by iron circulating in the blood.
-Allows living under a low sodium (salt) diet.
- It is claimed to increase intelligence.
-Gout disease
-Kidney stone formation (Urate stones)
-Uric acid elevation Other related damages. (Hypertension and cardiovascular diseases)
Uric acid in the blood can crystallize and collect in a joint and cause joint inflammation called gout. However, at normal uric acid level You can also get gout. Gout is caused by an immunological (immune system problems) response of the body.
When the level of uric acid in the blood increases, small sharp crystals can cause pain in the joints and tissues around the joints. Feet, hands, knees, wrists are common areas of gout pain. .
Gout disease,add It is characterized by an extreme and intense pain that occurs in the joints and increases even with slight pressure. In this disease, which occurs as joint inflammation, the joints may swell, there may be an increase in temperature in the joints and the joints may become sensitive. The patient may experience fever and the skin around the joints may peel. acid levels increase the risk of gout. 50 percent is fructose and 50 percent is glucose. When we consume table sugar, it is broken down into fructose and glucose in the intestines. Another source of fructose is corn syrup. It is frequently used in ready-made beverages and foods. Corn syrup is 55% fructose and 45% glucose. The risk of obesity and diabetes increases in people who consume more than 50 grams of fructose per day. Fructose found in table sugar causes diabetes even if it is not fattening. It increases the production of blood fats called fructose triglycerides in the liver. It accumulates more fat in the body than glucose. One of the most important effects of fructose is to increase the production of uric acid in the body. Within 1 hour of eating fructose, blood uric acid level increases by 2 mgr/dl.
The harms of fructose:
-Increases blood triglyceride level.
-Blood uric acid
-Continuous consumption creates long-term insulin resistance.
-It has been shown to cause cataracts in animal studies.
-Increases blood pressure.
-Grainous plants, peas, bulgur, nuts, corn, oats
-Spinach, cauliflower, mushrooms,
- Legumes,
-Small animal meats: Small fish, chicken, turkey, shellfish,
- Fatty foods; deep-fried, cream, etc.- In a high-fat diet, fat reduces the excretion of uric acid from the kidneys. Daily fat intake should be reduced. The amount of fat taken should be adjusted to be 20-25% of the daily energy. Generally, fat-free foods should be preferred.
-Beer and wine (general alcohol use should be discontinued)
-Large animal meats It should be preferred. Up to 2 meatballs can be eaten per day. When veal is not eaten, 60gr( It can be replaced with 4-5 tablespoons of legumes, peas, spinach, mushrooms.
-Large fish can be eaten as 2 meatballs, 100gr instead of meat.
-It is inconvenient to lose weight fast. Losing weight quickly can trigger gout attacks.
-Milk and its products, yoghurt, buttermilk, cheese,
-Cvit intake (naturally with food)
-Caffeine coffee consumption
-Losing weight
-Drink plenty of water. 10-12 glasses a day.
As can be understood from this text, stay away from sugar and obesity.
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