What does the application applied to the abdomen have to do with lower back pain? The Story of Visceral Osteopathy

In the 1970s, when a patient of Physiotherapist Osteopath Jean-Pierre Barral with back pain returned to the clinic healed, Barral asked
what helped him heal. The patient replied: “Oh, it wasn't you. I went to the foothills of the French Alps and saw a folk
healer. He fixed something in my abdomen, pressed it somewhere, and that helped a lot.” Barral was skeptical at first, but after the fourth patient came to him with the same story, he tried to understand how something done inside the abdomen could have affected the spine and went back to his anatomy books. Dr. What he saw in the cadaver studies he and Arnaud did; Every internal organ is directly or indirectly attached to the spine by membranes and ligaments. When he applied soft tissue techniques to these membranes that support the organs, Barral's treatment results were surprising. Barral was meticulous in his work and He was a guarantor; He validated the organ-specific fascial mobilization procedures he developed with fluoroscopy, ultrasound and other imaging methods. The French government invested significant money in Barral's research. He started teaching Visceral Osteopathy techniques in America in 1985. Barral applied what he learned in internal organs to other soft tissues, so visceral manipulation encompasses studies that directly or indirectly affect most body tissues. Today, these techniques are given as diploma osteopathy training to physiotherapists and physicians in Australia, Europe, America and many other parts of the world, and are applied to patients by osteopaths. Problems such as tension, swelling, pressure problems arising from any organ problem in the abdomen, anatomical and It is reflected in the spine through neurological connections. The cause of pain in the waist or neck can sometimes be an internal organ problem! Therefore, Osteopaths do not only look at the bone and muscle structures of the waist area of ​​someone with back pain. They look at the environmental tissue and organ connections that may affect this area, possible physiological and structural dysfunctions, as well as mechanical use of the body and habits. Bringing the patient's body back to its normal
state with appropriate techniques for the problem found. They give warnings that will help the child. These stimulations are made manually, as in manual therapy.

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