Hello everyone. There are many things we have to stay away from during quarantine days, and unfortunately, oral and dental health services are one of them. I would like to talk about what we can do to prevent some dental problems that we do not want to experience in a period when no one should be in contact with anyone else, and whether we can prevent them with personal care.
MUST brush your teeth before going to bed at night p>
You may think that there is no point in explaining the importance of brushing your teeth, which should be done at least twice a day, in 2020; Don't think. If national publications are talking about the importance of hand washing at the point where the world is today, maybe there are some things we are missing, right?
Teeth are the only structures that connect the bones in the body with the outside world. For this reason, cleaning and maintenance are of great importance.
Tooth brushing, especially before going to bed at night, is the most important; Because our body works like a machine in rest mode while we sleep. Our teeth are mechanically cleaned to some extent by coming into contact with each other while talking, eating and drinking. When the food residues stuck between the teeth become annoying enough, they are removed from there with tools such as toothpicks and dental floss. However, while we sleep, none of this happens and a wonderful environment is created for millions of bacteria living in the oral environment. The majority of tooth decay and gum problems occur and progress at this time. Remember that we need immunity in every field these days; Oral and dental health is also an important part of your general health and is the biggest border gate of our body.
It's time to meet dental floss
This distinguished care product, which has just started to gain a place in our society, is nowadays a great solution for your toothache. It may be your greatest savior. If food residues in areas where the toothbrush cannot reach are not removed from that area, it may cause infection in your gums, which may lead to the development of a very painful abscess. In addition, you can prevent these food jams, which cause the development of cavities and the rapid progression of existing cavities, by spending 3-4 minutes a day. You can. I know, flossing is not something that everyone can do easily; However, I think everyone has plenty of time to practice during this period. Add dental floss to your bulk grocery shopping list, please. You can overcome many situations where you may experience severe pain with dental floss, especially during this period.
Possible Effects of the Stress and Pressure Created on Us by the Quarantine Days on Oral and Dental Health
The illness psychology and cleaning obsession created by the quarantine days on us , social pressure, economic uncertainty and similar situations cause the stress meter to rise rapidly. This may cause an explosion in cases of bruxism (teeth clenching/grinding problem), which is one of the most common dental problems caused by stress. Bruxism patients grind their teeth uncontrollably, and this causes fractures in teeth, fillings, and existing coatings, and as a result, pain is almost inevitable. In addition, joint problems begin to appear in bruxism patients and the patient begins to feel pain when opening his mouth. This situation affects nutrition and our immunity, which is initially affected locally, begins to be affected generally. So what can we do at home about this situation? As experts say, healthy sleep is very important. You can do daily exercises to reduce stress. Many sports trainers these days offer exercise suggestions that can be done at home on social media; you can benefit from them.
Take electronic devices out of your room before sleeping; You can solve the alarm clock problem with an analog clock. Remember, the blue light emitted from phones directly suppresses the production of the melatonin hormone, which is effective in the sleep mechanism, and makes sleep difficult.
There are scientific articles showing that a few drops of essential chamomile oil in your room or on your bed provides a much more peaceful sleep; You can benefit from these.
Consult Your Dentist, Get Information About the Urgency of Your Situation
Turkish Dental Association, which provides dental health services regarding situations requiring emergency intervention in dentistry. informed all clinics. Of course, every patient's situation is urgent; but it's an extraordinary stop In these days when we are faced with danger, staying at home and avoiding contact is a priority. Get information from your dentist about the urgency of the problem you are experiencing. Remember, we are going through a period where the standards of even the bread we buy from the market are changing; Trust us doctors to get through this change process in the most undamaged way. We take care of your health by considering every possible possibility more than once and try to do what is best for your health.
Stay healthy.
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