Psychotherapy allows us to live by restoring the past

''Our relationships in adult life are the arenas where our childhood is staged. Whether people in relationships realize it or not, they exhibit in their interactions with each other what they learned in their relationships with their parents as children. If a child has experienced love, unconditional acceptance, approval, belonging, caring, and compassion in his/her relationship with his/her parents, he/she will put these on the stage in his/her adult relationships. On the contrary, if he was exposed to emotionally traumatic and painful experiences during his childhood, the relationships he establishes in his adult life will be areas where this pain and trauma are staged and recreated over and over again. Let's explain this with an example. When a person who was a child, one or both of his parents abandoned or abandoned him for some reason, becomes an adult, he will approach his partner with suspicion, as if he will leave him at any moment, especially in dating relationships, and because of this suspicion, he will act extremely jealous and overwhelm his partner. As a result, he will experience abandonment, which is the situation he fears most, and he will not even be able to understand how he caused this...

This is the tragic aspect of the matter. Most of the time, we don't even notice the scenario that was written by our parents when we were children, and when we become adults, it is a repetition of what we learned as a child and is now written by ourselves...

He stages the same movie over and over again, choosing men and women who are identical to each other as partners. , we write scenarios that are identical to each other and experience the same pain... Because we have a debt from the past. We have unfinished matters. We repeat that unfinished issue with every woman/man we bring into our lives, and we desperately try to close it and end it. However, this is a futile effort. Unfinished issues caused by our parents can never be fully closed with the relationships experienced here and now.

If you were abandoned as a child, unloved, uncared for, not accepted as you are... you will always be a creditor from the past. All you can do is accept that you are owed money from the past, suffer and mourn it, and be aware of the effects of your unfinished issues caused by your parents in the past and choose not to carry those effects into relationships here and now. It's not easy to do this is. By increasing our awareness, we can functionally cope with the effects of the past.''

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