24 Hours a Day

Maybe it was one of the phrases I heard the most from my families and students I worked with in determining this subject.

The world was created on such a beautiful balance that we have to say thank you a thousand times for this. . The balance of day and night, the harmony and beauty of the transitions… In such a beautiful and balanced system, as human beings we know how to adapt to that balance, we are actually taking a big step towards time management.

For example, when the sun starts to rise, my eyes open and I can't continue to sleep or we all use the phrases "Let me handle these things with the light of day before evening". The important thing here is that the day actually draws us the way, but we fall short in shaping it according to ourselves.

Managing time with daily plans and weekly plans has a very important place in reaching all or almost all of the goals that individuals have planned. . If a person can control himself in the part of how to manage time and plan what he has to do daily as soon as he wakes up in the morning, he will complete that day by feeling good both physiologically and psychologically. And completing that day in this way is important for starting the next day more motivated.

Sometimes, things to do in our minds accumulate and accumulate. We can count too many things like what we want to do, what we don't want to do, things that will do us good, and things that will be good for our environment when we do. When you come to this moment, you are either looking for perfection or struggling with procrastination. Saying that getting rid of all these and starting is half of the finish, and completing the accumulated things that tire our minds in a plan and order, both relieves the burden on your shoulders, relaxes your mind, and helps you focus.

Here's living life in a planned and programmed way, taking exams in a planned manner. Being prepared on a schedule, adapting ourselves according to what we are going to do and starting the day will help in every matter. You are the only one who will manage your time and you should fix this management in your life and do yourself a favor.

Let's not forget that this is also very important, when we learn to manage our life and time, we plan our daily things and take steps for them and make every part of it happen. While we are experiencing the happiness of our people, we should not manage this process too harshly, please let's not forget this. Our decisions and rules and plans should be flexible so that we don't break and crumble right away, it will be good to provide as much flexibility as necessary... , the times that the spouses want to spend alone, the effort to spend quality time with the children, the preparations of the week, the cleaning and ironing… I seem to hear you say that all of these do not fit in one day, then let's answer right away, the best thing we need to do is to spread them to other days as much as possible. . I would like to add that Esra, my dearest and dearest friend, has done here for time management. She is a mother of two wonderful daughters who works very hard, and a wonderful wife, a wonderful four, a wonderful son, I mean, she is wonderful in every way, and I must admit, she is a wonderful friend who has a very important place in making my dreams come true.

Within his intense work, he can manage time by devoting time to his family, friends, himself, housework and everything. Well, let's just tell how he did it. If there is so much accumulated, he can make sacrifices for what he wants to do, for example, he starts the day earlier and does the housework while everyone else is sleeping, and fits everything in the same day. And at the end of the day, both their loved ones and themselves are happy. Good luck to you my dear friend..

Here we can take a few messages to ourselves, as long as we don't make sacrifices, nothing happens completely or when we want it. Goals cannot be reached by sleeping half the day, the work of that house is not finished as long as the phone is not lost, no time is left for the family by sitting in front of the TV, everything fits in that day when you take action, live in a planned and programmed way, make sacrifices and make effort…

You should know how to stop yourself, be aware of the passing hours and remember that you have the power to fit everything you want in one day...

With my love

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