Skin diseases caused by physical reasons
Wounds caused by piercing, cutting or crushing objects, burns, cracks due to cold,
wounds caused by irritation of chemical substances can be counted in this group.
Skin diseases caused by parasites
The main diseases in this group are scabies, lice and various fungal diseases. In addition
skin disorders caused by the bites of insects such as fleas, bedbugs and ticks
can also be counted among these.
Skin diseases caused by microorganisms
These organisms usually cause skin inflammation. Microorganisms can easily settle on any
defect in the skin. Wounds, burns, scabies, insect bites, eczema and herpes can easily become inflamed. Skin inflammations are also called dermatitis
. Leprosy, lupus tuberculosis and syphilis, which are diseases caused by microorganisms, have a mechanism other than the inflammations mentioned above. That's why they
are called specific inflammations or specific infections groups.
Allergic skin diseases
They are the most common skin diseases. Allergic skin diseases include serum sickness, Quincke
edema, urticaria, eczema. can be considered contact dermatitis. It is very difficult to find the cause of allergic skin diseases. For this purpose, the patient and his/her environment are thoroughly investigated. Various skin tests
are performed. If necessary, the patient is removed from his/her environment for a while. Efforts are being made to find the factor that causes
allergy. These agents; It may be flower pollen, various nutrients, house dust, some medications, intestinal parasites. Heredity, body structure and irritable state, that is, psychological reasons, also play a big role in allergic diseases. Apart from these diseases of the skin; There are also skin manifestations of various internal diseases. For example, in diabetes, various symptoms are observed on the skin (hives, blood
boils, gangrene, etc.). There are also malignant and benign tumors of the skin. Skin
cancer / Skin cancers are the least bad of all cancers. Complete treatments
are also possible.
Skin diseases Depending on the type, different types of disease elements are seen on the skin. Among these
; itch marks, papule (small skin bump), pustule (purulent blister), boil, ulcer,
tubercle (pointed skin protrusion), erythema (redness), hyperpigmentation (increased color of the skin),
hypopigmentation (skin color increase). loss of color), desquamation (shedding of the skin),
crusting and urination. One or more of these elements
may coexist in a skin disease. Skin diseases are easy to diagnose. When necessary for a definitive diagnosis
a piece is taken from the patient's body and subjected to pathological examination. Treatments are not always easy
and vary depending on the type of disease.
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