FEAR: It is a stimulant response and a vital mechanism that a person gives under an emotional or physical danger. It is a universal emotion.
Somatic symptoms that may occur in the body during fear:
-Accelerated heartbeat
-Contraction or freezing
-Dry mouth
-Slowing in thought and perception, etc.
In any situation where fear is mentioned, fear is most common with fear. Another emotion that is confused is anxiety.
We can summarize the difference between fear and anxiety as follows;
Fear is an emotion felt against a concretely existing danger
Anxiety is a potential emotion. It is the feeling we feel against a danger.
Human is an entity with a high potential to struggle, which has to defend himself in order to survive since his existence. We are exposed to fear many times in life for various reasons (trauma stories of the person, etc.). Sometimes these fears can come to the point where they can disrupt our functionality in life and weaken or even prevent our daily functionality.
For example;
A person who has had a car accident avoids getting in the car every time for fear of the same thing happening again in the future. This is one of the simplest examples that can slow down a person's daily functionality. On the other hand, the act of escaping also works as a kind of defense mechanism. These examples can be multiplied; Fear of Heights, Fear of Elevators, Fear of Airplanes etc. like.
The more we run away from fears, the more important and greater we make that fear unconsciously. Being away from fear in our safe space provides temporary relief because we think that we will not feel good in that fear, whatever we are afraid of. Every escape move made by the person to get away from fear or to prevent that fear actually reinforces the fear he/she experiences. In other words, we can say that every escape move is a reinforcement.
Facing one's fears gradually instead of escaping from fears will create a long-term environment of trust in order to overcome the fear experienced. The brain ran away because of fear. It dedicates the situation, living thing or object to more importance than its value. Gradual exposure to fear with professional psychological support and entering the analysis process will help increase psychological resilience and enable us to raise our daily living standards again.
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