Hashimoto's disease is an autoimmune disease. The body's own immune system perceives the thyroid tissue as a foreigner and wants to destroy it. That's why the immune system produces antibodies to destroy the thyroid gland. These antibodies damage the thyroid cells and the thyroid gland begins to shrink, resulting in hormone deficiency.
Symptoms of Hashimoto's include;
Weight gain
There is skin dryness.
The thyroid gland regulates the basic metabolism in all cells. It regulates many processes such as fat and carbohydrate metabolism, body temperature and heart rate in the body. Since the shrinkage and slow operation of the thyroid gland causes our metabolism to slow down, it can slow down our weight loss process.
How should we eat in this process?
Autoimmune Since it is a disease, an anti-inflammatory diet helps reduce inflammation. For this, stay away from sugar, fast food, fried foods. Include more immune-supporting foods such as oily fish, red fruits (strawberry, raspberry, blueberry, blackberry), turmeric, green tea, grapes.
Iodine is necessary for the production of thyroid hormones . Excess iodine intake stimulates autoimmune antibodies and causes aggravation of symptoms in hashimotos. Therefore, attention should be paid to iodine consumption.
It is an enzyme necessary for the proper functioning of thyroid functions. Include selenium-rich foods in your diet. Tuna, eggs, oilseeds, brazil are good sources of selenium.
Avoid goitrogenic foods that reduce the work of thyroid hormones. Cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage, brussels sprouts, mustard seeds, turnips, radishes, soy and soy-based foods are among goitrogenic foods.
Important for the immune system Zinc also protects the health of your thyroid gland. Food sources containing zinc; foods such as red meat, legumes, mushrooms, oil seeds, pumpkin seeds, oysters.
If you have edema problems, pay attention to the consumption of 2-2.5 liters of water per day
If you are experiencing constipation, pay attention to the consumption of foods such as yogurt and kefir containing probiotics for your intestinal health.
Gluten and lactose can trigger autoimmune diseases, so you can control your symptoms by removing gluten-containing cereals, foods such as bulgur, and milk and dairy products containing lactose from your diet for a while.
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