
Bleaching is an aesthetic solution based on teeth whitening for people who are not satisfied with their tooth color. Teeth may change color for various reasons. This is the method used to lighten the color of the teeth when faced with this situation. Stains on teeth are caused by some foods and drinks. For example, coffee, tea, fruit juices, cola drinks. These stains cause the teeth to turn yellow. What needs to be done is to have the teeth cleaned by going for a dental check-up every 6 months before these yellowing settles on the teeth and turns into tartar.

Clinical Bleaching

In clinical bleching, the whitening gel is activated. In this way, the discolorations on the tooth surface are cleaned. First of all, the tooth tone is adjusted, then the application is made to the tooth surfaces without touching the gums. The process takes half an hour.

Things to Pay Attention to After Bleaching

The first 24 hours after bleaching It is normal to experience sensitivities. These conditions are relieved with painkillers. Care should be taken in consuming food and beverages after the procedure. Smoking should especially not be done after the procedure. Consumption of acidic beverages is equally harmful.

In Which Circumstances Should Bleaching Not Be Done

Bleaching is recommended for excessively worn teeth, if there are porcelain teeth in the mouth, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and excessive use. It cannot be applied to those with sensitive teeth, those with severe stains, those with broken, cracked and decayed teeth, or those with receding gums.

If attention is paid to the teeth whitening process, the tooth tone is preserved for 2 to 3 years. If care is taken when consuming tea, coffee and acidic drinks, additional treatments are made and checks are made every 6 months, the color will be preserved. There is no such thing as teeth whitening causing damage to the teeth. The important thing is to work with a specialist physician. Teeth or gums are not damaged by bleching. Clinical whitening is much more convenient than the home whitening method. Because externally purchased whitening powders can damage tooth enamel or impair gum health. There is an age limit of 18 for teeth whitening.

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