Living with a Narcissist

If you live or have to live with someone who thinks he/she is the center at all times and everywhere, you are quite tired.

Narcissism basically means compensating for the person's feeling of being worthless, in other words, grandiosity in order to cope with this feeling. It is an important personality disorder that involves behaviors that tire both the person and those around them. While narcissism may have epigenetic causes, it mostly stems from negative experiences in a person's childhood.

Naricissists basically see themselves as so worthless that, in order to cope with this worthlessness, they display the behavior of portraying themselves as the most valuable person to their environment and to themselves. We can examine narcissists in three groups.

The first of these is the Nobel Prize narcissists. Narcissists in this group are so successful that people around them always talk about their success. These people prepare special grounds for talking about their successes. Diplomas, achievement awards, newspaper and magazine pages literally broadcast live in their orbits. It is impossible not to see the success of that person in the atmosphere he is in. Somehow, in the environments where these people are present, the subject is always their success. Not every successful person is narcissistic. It is easy to distinguish between a normal successful person and a Nobel Prize-winning narcissist. The Nobel Prize-winning narcissist literally looks you in the eye to get you to praise his success, and does whatever he can to bring the subject to his successes. Normally successful people, on the other hand, talk normally when their success comes up and the topic is over. Generally, normal successful people are humble and even feel uncomfortable and embarrassed when their successes are talked about.

The second group consists ofnarcissistswho know no boundaries. In order to protect their own core of worthlessness, these people always attack the people around them, criticize them, belittle them, make fun of those around them... Especially if you have such a partner and you are unaware of his illness, after a while you may see yourself as useless, worthless and despicable. However, you are normal and your partner's symptoms probably caused you to become this way.

The third group is giving narcissists. The narcissists in this group are such good people. They realize that they cannot say no to anyone. They come to the aid of everyone, they do not fight with anyone, they have no choice but to say goodbye to everyone. Not every person in good relationships is a giving narcissist. Having good relationships with one's environment is a sign of health. Narcissists in this group also make extreme efforts to have their good deeds seen and talked about. They always tell those around them how much good they do and how good they are. If they do a favor to someone and do not receive a thank you from the other party, they become very upset and they make it felt.

The narcissist cannot stand not being loved, being criticized, not being appreciated for his achievements, or not being noticed for his beauty. In such cases, he first worsens his relationship with you, and if he cannot get what he wants, he ends it.

If you live with such a person, as we said before, your job is quite difficult. Because, unfortunately, there is no treatment for personality disorders or it is very difficult. The symptoms of some personality disorders may decrease slightly after the age of forties.

If you live with a narcissist, you first need to know which type of narcissist you are in. Obtaining detailed information about the characteristics of narcissists will make your life easier. It is often impossible to convince a narcissist to enter therapy. However, you can get professional help on how to act.

Psychological disorders are often difficult to accept. Because there is no visible reason. It is very difficult to accept within ourselves why he is doing this. However, it is easier to accept disorders that have a physiological reason because they can be observed.

Accepting that narcissism is also a psychological disorder and knowing that the narcissist does not do this to disturb you will relieve you. Just as we cannot be angry at someone who has cancer because of why they got cancer, it is not meaningful to be angry at someone who has a psychological disorder.

Expert. Psk. Erdal Usluer

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