Do you want to throw yourself to the seaside in these sweltering days when we experience the hottest days of August, and relieve the suffocation of the hot August days with the freshness of the sea? While planning a dream holiday, is nutrition a test for you? Then you should not pass without reading this article. I will share some tips for you below. Enjoy reading.
Those who say they want to tan! If you spend a lot of time under the sun, especially if this time exceeds 1 and a half and 2 hours, you need to pay attention to your daily fluid consumption. . Another point to consider when increasing your water consumption is mineral loss. During this process, you will lose water and minerals through sweat, so consuming mineral water will play a role in replacing some of the lost minerals. (People with blood pressure should consult their doctor and dietitian.)
Vacation = Food. Holiday should not be compatible with eating for you. Holiday is a place of rest for some people and entertainment for others. You should see the holiday as a place of relaxation or entertainment, not a place to eat.
Those who want to swim! The last meal should be eaten 45 minutes before swimming. One should not swim in the sea for a long time on an empty stomach.
Balance life. Our understanding should always be a lifestyle with compensations, not a diet of prohibitions. If you missed pastry, pizza, ice cream or dessert for a day, you can make up for it the next day. Of course, at this point it is important to know how compensation occurs. The thought 'I won't eat anything the next day to make up for it' is quite wrong. This is not compensation, it is a method that harms your health.
Should I not drink even a glass while on holiday? Alcohol is a harmful substance that we do not always want to have. 1 gram of alcohol causes 7 calories. 1 gram of fat is 9 calories. In other words, every time you consume 1 gram of alcohol, you consume calories as if you consumed 1 gram of fat. The rapid absorption of alcohol in the stomach causes sudden increases and decreases in blood sugar. Sudden increases cause the food consumed to be stored as weight, and sudden decreases cause hunger and hunger again. It causes uncontrolled eating. However, if you are on holiday, you should take a brisk walk for 1 hour the next day after drinking alcohol that day. Since alcohol will damage the cells in your body, you should include antioxidant foods in your breakfast.
Tea that speeds up your metabolism: Green. tea. Include green tea, which accelerates your metabolism with the epigallocatechin gallate it contains, during your holidays. You can consume 2-3 cups of green tea a day. (Those who have any disease should ask their doctor and dietitian.)
Summer vacationer. If you prefer to have a holiday in your summer house, this is an advantage for us! You can make and prepare your meals healthy. Don't forget to include cheese and eggs in your breakfast. Snacks that are not skipped throughout the day will prevent you from overeating at dinner.
They will have a holiday at the hotel! The biggest trap of hotels is open buffets. We need to have a bomb breakfast. If we explain the bombshell; Our first rule at the hotel is to include cheese and eggs for breakfast. Apart from this, we should prefer foods made from brown flour instead of white flour. We should not include sweets for breakfast. On some days, a small amount of pastries and pastries can be consumed as a snack. You should avoid heavy meals at lunch. Vegetable dishes should be our first choice. Yogurt can be consumed with vegetable meals. Our first choice for dinner should be meat dishes containing protein. It will both supplement the energy spent throughout the day and balance your blood sugar.
Watch out for germs. As the temperature increases, the environment becomes suitable for the reproduction of bacteria, viruses and fungi. . Hygiene is very important during summer holidays, as always. It should be ensured that drinking water is clean. Hands should be washed before and after meals. Food should not be kept hot for a long time. Foods should not be consumed mixed.
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