Nowadays, planned pregnancies have become more common. Gynecological examination before pregnancy is important for a healthy pregnancy, a healthy birth and giving birth to a healthy baby, as well as a high quality of life for the baby.
1-) Anamnesis: p>
The information you share with your doctor before the examination will be guiding. Your age, menstrual cycle, history of a gynecological disease and surgery, how long you have been unprotected, whether you have had a pregnancy before, and how it turned out will be evaluated.
In addition, if you have a chronic disease (high blood pressure, heart diseases, diabetes, kidney diseases). You should also know whether you have any problems (such as thyroid diseases, blood diseases, psychological problems), the medications you use regularly, your family diseases, and the surgeries you have had.
The person's eating habits, smoking, alcohol and some recreational substance use, exercise habits, working conditions. You will also be asked.
2-) Gynecological examination:
If there is a problem with your reproductive organs, it can be detected by gynecological examination and ultrasonography. Infections, cervical wounds, polyps, myomas, and ovarian cysts are investigated.
If a smear test was performed more than 1 year ago, it should be done again.
The patient's blood pressure is measured. Weight and height are evaluated.
3-) Tests:
Blood groups of the prospective parents are given priority. Complete blood count, complete urinalysis, fasting blood sugar, urea, creatinine and TSH (Thyroid hormone) measurements can be performed from the mother. Hepatitis B (type B jaundice), Hepatitis C (type C jaundice), HIV (AIDS disease) are investigated.
4-) Treatment:
Pregnancy If there are previous gynecological infections, they are treated. If there is a condition that requires surgery (myoma, ovarian cyst), the patient is warned. Because pregnancy is not recommended, especially for 1 year after myoma surgery.
In terms of chronic diseases (diabetes, high blood pressure, heart diseases, blood diseases, thyroid diseases, psychological diseases), it is recommended to consult with relevant specialist doctors.
5-) Dental care:
Dental care before pregnancy � control and, if necessary, treatments should be carried out. If necessary, dental x-rays (with the abdominal area protected), dental fillings and tooth extractions can be performed during pregnancy and after the first three months. Despite this, if possible, dental treatment is more appropriate before and after pregnancy.
6-) Vaccinations:
Childhood diseases Measles, Rubella, Chicken Pox are not diagnosed before and pregnancy is prevented. If it is passed during pregnancy, it may cause some permanent damage to the baby. Therefore, the patient should be asked and if he is not sure, it should be checked with blood tests. People who have not been vaccinated or have not had the disease should be vaccinated. It is necessary to wait at least 3 months for pregnancy after the vaccination. Tetanus vaccine is a vaccine that can be administered safely during pregnancy. It can be applied after the 3rd month of pregnancy.
Hepatitis B vaccine is also recommended before pregnancy.
7-) Nutritional support:
The expectant mother should have a healthy diet. It is not necessary to take additional vitamins. However, it should be ensured that enough Folic acid and Iron are taken in the diet.
Folic acid is a B group vitamin that has positive contributions to the development of the baby's skull, spine, brain and nerve cells in the womb and to blood production in the body. It is found in green leafy vegetables, liver, kidney, lentils, walnuts, peanuts, hazelnuts and grains. However, the body's needs increase during pregnancy. It is beneficial for women planning pregnancy to take additional folic acid a few months in advance. In unplanned pregnancies, it should also be started as soon as it is learned. It should be continued until the 3rd month of pregnancy. 400 micrograms per day is sufficient.
Iron is also an important mineral. Deficiency may cause anemia and developmental delay in the baby in the womb. Iron is found mostly in red meat, liver, offal, and to a lesser extent in egg yolk, fish, and green leafy vegetables. Along with these foods, vegetables and fruits containing vitamin C, which increases iron absorption, should also be consumed in sufficient quantities.
Foods containing calcium should be consumed in sufficient amounts. If possible, 3 glasses of low-fat milk and yoghurt or cheese should be consumed a day. If there is lactose allergy, lactose-free milk and dairy products should be consumed. Daily calcium intake of 1000 mg can be achieved in this way.
Fresh vegetables and fruits should definitely be included in the daily diet. P. For protein, you need to eat meat, chicken, eggs, milk and fish. Of course, at least 8 glasses of water are indispensable.
For Omega 3 and 6, fish (especially salmon, tuna), limited amounts of walnuts, unsalted almonds and unroasted hazelnuts, especially raw purslane should be taken.
Floury and sugary foods. Foods should be consumed in limited amounts. In addition, the amount of salt should also be reduced. We must definitely pay attention to the calories of the foods we eat.
8-) Smoking, alcohol and other harmful substances:
A woman who decides to become pregnant should quit smoking both during pregnancy and It is also necessary for a healthy pregnancy.
The substances in cigarettes reach the baby directly through the placenta. For this reason, the harms of smoking cannot be prevented by reducing the amount of cigarettes. At the same time, one should not be in an environment where smoking is present.
Pregnant women who smoke
• Miscarriage
• Stillbirth
• Premature birth
• Low birth weight babies
• Premature water bladder opening
• Placenta problems are more common in non-smokers.
In addition, sudden infant deaths after birth, upper respiratory tract infections such as asthma and bronchitis in babies, and learning and behavioral problems in later years are more common.
Alcohol is another harmful substance. The baby's vital organs begin to develop before the person realizes that she is pregnant. Both smoking and alcohol affect this development very negatively. Miscarriage, low birth weight and mental retardation are also observed in babies of mothers who consume alcohol.
All drugs cause miscarriages and birth defects in the baby.
9-) Weight control and exercise:
Both being underweight and being overweight before pregnancy is not preferred. Generally, both conditions can make it difficult to get pregnant. Problems also occur after pregnancy occurs. Therefore, weight control is important. Ideal weight should be achieved with regular exercise and diet.
10-) Review of environmental factors:
We should stay away from substances that may cause harm in the environments where we live and work. Chemical substances such as mercury, pesticides, paint, thinner, dry cleaning fluids and X-ray and nuclear treatment devices It would be safer for working people to change departments before and during pregnancy to avoid their effects. Very long and tiring working conditions can also cause damage. At home, very harsh cleaning products, paint, thinner, and adhesives used for hobby purposes should be avoided. It is not appropriate to smoke a lot in the environment. Very hot baths and saunas are also harmful.
11-) Material and spiritual preparation for pregnancy and birth:
As couples prepare to take a very important step in their lives, this They must be ready both spiritually and materially. Thus, the pregnancy and birth process can be experienced much more enjoyable.
The information we have listed under the headings above are medical recommendations we have created based on our own experiences. We recommend that you cooperate with a specialist doctor in these preparation stages.
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