How to understand the gender of the baby?
The gender of the baby in the womb is actually obvious from the first days of pregnancy, but the baby must reach a certain size for us to see this. Ultrasound is the most common method we use to determine the gender of the baby. It is possible to determine the gender of the baby with a vaginal ultrasound after the 12th week of pregnancy, and with an abdominal ultrasound after the 16th week of pregnancy. The baby's position, the experience of the ultrasound doctor and the quality of the ultrasound device are important in gender determination.
When is the earliest the baby's gender can be determined?
Starting from the 8th week of pregnancy. Differentiation begins in the genital organs of male and female babies. After this week, the external genitalia changes into the clitoris and lips in female babies, while it differentiates into the penis in male babies. With ultrasound, this differentiation begins to be seen in the 12th week of pregnancy at the earliest, and is seen more clearly after the 16th week. The gender is understood by observing the male baby's penis during the ultrasound examination. In some cases, if the cord is seen between the legs, it may give the appearance of a baby girl to a boy. In such a case, your doctor will call you for an ultrasound examination at different times and tell you the gender of your baby clearly.
How to find out the gender of the baby other than ultrasound?
Even in the early stages of pregnancy, the gender of the baby can be learned precisely by methods such as amniocentesis (removing amniotic fluid from the mother's womb) or chorionic villus sampling. In these methods, the baby's chromosomes are examined and the gender of the baby is definitely said to be a girl or a boy.
Can the gender of the baby be understood from the mother's womb?
It is popularly known that the mother's belly is pointed. If it is a boy, if it is wide, it is a girl; If the mother has hair growth and dark lines on her abdomen, it can be interpreted as a boy baby; if weight is gained in the hip and hip area, it can be interpreted as a girl baby. During pregnancy follow-ups, we see that these comments are often not true.
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