How to Measure Student Attention?

The human brain has a magnificent capacity, so much so that it is enough to use a small part of our brain's capacity in our daily lives.

When we use our brain capacity more:

Attention management is very valuable in students. Attention management must be healthy and working in the age group for success in obtaining school information, following up, repeating, homework and exams. However, the student's level of attention management determines the student's social life, friendships, self-confidence, responsibilities and value in the community.

Anyone who does not have any problems in following classes, whose homework and exam performance is at the class average, has a healthy harmony with friends and social development. The student will grow up at peace with himself.

What is an attention test, how is attention management measured in a student?

Determining the level of attention management of the student compared to his peers in his age group. It is very valuable and important. Attention assessment based only on examination findings and information received from parents is subjective, varies from person to person, and is not meaningful in measuring development.

1- Attention Neuro Test - CPT, Continue Performance Test

With the Attention Neuro test, your child's attention error score according to his age group is measured with an objective computer-assisted test. At the end of the attention test, the student's attention error deviation score is determined: such as 3 attention errors, 10 attention errors, 18 attention error scores...

This Attention Neuro Test determines the level of trouble the student has in terms of homework habits, course follow-up and exam performance. It helps to detect.

2- Brain Wave Analysis, Neuro Analysis

How the brain regions that control attention in the frontal region of the student's brain operate is revealed through an objective brain imaging analysis. This analysis, just like the ECG of the heart, objectively reveals how the attention center in the student's brain works with a brain map.

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