The expansion of the veins in the submucosa in the anal area is called hemorrhoids.
Constipation, long-lasting diarrhea, and heredity are effective factors in the formation of hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are more common in people who stand and sit for long periods of time. Hemorrhoids may also occur during pregnancy, rectal cancer and liver cirrhosis.
Symptoms: Bleeding, pain, itching, anal swelling and breast complaints may occur.
Thrombosed hemorrhoids: Sometimes the inside of the hemorrhoid nozzle fills with clotted blood and swells. In this case, the patient feels very severe pain and requires urgent intervention.
Hemorrhoids are divided into 4 stages:
Stage I: Hemorrhoid breast. It is very small, cannot be touched, does not protrude, and may cause bleeding.
Stage II: The hemorrhoid nozzle comes out with straining, and goes back in automatically after defecation is over. It may cause bleeding.
Stage III: The hemorrhoid nozzle comes out with straining and can only be pushed in by hand.
Stage IV: Hemorrhoid nozzles. It is always outside, cannot be pushed in manually and requires surgical intervention.
Diagnosis: It is made by Ano-Rectal examination, colonoscopy, rectoscopy.
Treatment: To protect against hemorrhoids, drink plenty of water, exercise, avoid constipation, and focus on wholegrain, vegetable and fiber foods in the diet.
Medication: Pain-relieving pomades, steroids. pomades, anti-constipation and stool softening drugs, and drugs that regulate blood flow in this area are used.
Band ligation: The hemorrhoid nozzle is pulled with the help of forceps and a rubber band is placed at the bottom. Thus, the hemorrhoid breast is ensured to rot and rupture.
Sclerotherapy: A special medicine is injected into the bottom of the hemorrhoid breast, ensuring adhesion and shrinking the breast.
Laser, infrared, cryotherapy, and suturing at the bottom of the breast are other treatment methods.
Surgical treatment: III. and IV. It is applied in severe hemorrhoids. The most commonly used method is open and closed Milligan-Morgan Hemorrhoidectomy. In these methods, hemorrhoid nozzles are surgically removed.
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