What is PRP?

Platelet rich plasma (PRP = platelet rich plasma); It is the name of the procedure performed by placing the blood taken from a person in a special tube and centrifuging it, and the resulting platelet-rich plasma liquid is returned to the same person by injection with very small needle tips. Blood cells called platelets contain large amounts of "growth factors" in their structure. If there is any damage to our tissues, these blood cells come to the damaged tissue and start the repair process. In PRP treatment, platelets accumulate in much larger amounts than those collected during tissue repair under normal conditions, and thus the repair process begins faster and more strongly. Skin rejuvenation, wound healing, hair loss and acne scar treatments are also performed with the PRP method. In applications for hair, it especially prolongs the growth and development phase of the hair follicle and reduces hair root pain. For treatment, approximately 10 cc of blood is taken from the patient and centrifuged. Since the person's own blood product is used, no allergic reactions occur. Although the application varies according to the indication and the individual's needs, a total of 3-4 sessions can be applied weekly or monthly.

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