In approximately 35% of the patients who apply for rhinoplasty, we detect pathologies such as nasal concha growths, deviations or polyps, which we diagnose during the examination
. If we need to differentiate the intranasal pathologies in terms of their frequency, the most common one we encounter is bone
- cartilage curvature in the inner part of the nose, that is, deviation. If you do not want to experience functional problems after
aesthetic nose surgery, it is important to solve the problem of nasal contusions, polyps or deviation that cause congestion in your nose
in the same session.
Since aesthetic problems are often intertwined with functional problems, cosmetically To obtain more successful
results, septum deviation must also be corrected. Otherwise, you will be unhappy in terms of both form and
function. Although each nose shows anatomical variations, there are a total of six nasal conchas on the right and left sides of our nose. These are located in the lower, middle and upper layers, they are called turbinates. Especially when the lower turbinates grow, they cause serious nasal congestion and a feeling of dryness in the nose. turbinates) separate the air from particles before it goes to the lungs. Turbinates, which are also included in the mechanism that creates the timbre of the voice, sometimes grow and sometimes shrink during the day. It has very critical duties for the respiratory tract. The air we breathe is humidified, heated and cleaned here before it goes to the lungs. The turbinates, which are also involved in the formation of sound, are not always the same size. They are affected by the environmental conditions we live in; in a cold or smoking environment, the turbinates swell and nasal congestion begins. This is why our nose gets blocked in cold weather. In hot weather, the opposite mechanism occurs. Of course, these processes are physiological and temporary. As soon as the environmental conditions return to normal, everything returns to its natural course. Nasal concha, or turbinates, grow especially in people with allergies, air pollution, smokers or sinusitis. Unless the nasal flesh is very large, our first option in treatment is always medication. There is a possibility that they will benefit from the treatment.
� In large turbinate problems, we can perform radiofrequency reduction after performing a tomographic examination (Paranasal Sinus CT). Radiofrequency application
is an easy intervention that can be performed even in office conditions. Bleeding and pain are very rare. Even rest
is not required, you can return to your work and social life immediately. If the nasal concha growth is severe
or if radiofrequency treatment does not benefit, surgery is the last option.
Under general anesthesia or rarely local anesthesia, we remove the bone lamella part inside the nasal concha
and following the surgery on the nasal concha, our patient is discharged on the same day. We reduce the size of the nasal concha by removing the part that blocks the nose. We never remove all of it. Complete removal of your nasal turbinates (turbinate)
is incompatible with the sustainability of nasal functions. The return of such a mistake to you is nasal congestion, smell disorder and nasal congestion that will last a lifetime. Pathologies defined as polyps
but considered as nasal concha in the society and turbinate hypertrophies are seen as the same
disease; This is extremely wrong. Polyps are structures that do not normally exist in the nose
and are abnormal flesh growths. Treatment and surgical approaches are different from each other.

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