There is a topic that has become popular in recent years; Orthorexia Nervosa, that is, obsession with healthy eating. Many people want to eat healthy and pay attention to it, but when it comes to orthorexia nervosa, healthy eating goes further, they constantly try to consume only healthy foods, healthy eating becomes an obsession and individuals have no occupations and interests in their lives other than healthy eating. Since orthorexia is a disease that has just started to become common, whether it is an eating disorder or an obsessive-compulsive disorder is still a matter of debate.
Obsession with Healthy Nutrition
People with orthorexia want to be super healthy and natural. In order to achieve these goals, they constantly avoid consuming foods containing additives, food preservatives, fat or animal additives, and high-calorie, weight-inducing foods and drinks. Because they exaggerate this situation, they encounter problems such as malnutrition, excessive weight loss, and decreased body resistance to diseases. They constantly watch publications about diet and healthy nutrition on the internet, television and magazines and do research. If this situation is not prevented, all of these can become obsessions over time. That's why orthorexia nervosa is actually extremely dangerous. Because individuals who develop an obsession with healthy foods are no different from those who constantly diet. These individuals act very selectively because of the fear of finding harmful substances in the food they eat and the drinks they drink. Advanced cases lose weight rapidly, just like patients with anorexia nervosa. But the purpose of this disease is; It's not about weight loss, it's just trying to eat healthy.
What are the symptoms?
Continuously planning and preparing the next meal
Continuously visiting the market and researching natural products
Not eating out
Constantly dieting and feeling guilty when eating something considered harmful
Unhealthy Criticizing those who eat food
Giving up many foods because of fears
Staying away from all foods containing food additives
Weight loss in the future
Internet, television, newspapers, etc. constantly following information about healthy eating from sources
What Can Be Done?
Orthorexia Nervosa' Individuals with or can return to a uniform diet after a certain period of time. This causes both weight loss and an unbalanced and unhealthy diet. First of all, help should be sought from nutritionists about how healthy food choices can be made and what they can be, along with psychological support.
Information should be given that favorite foods will not cause any harm when consumed in certain doses.
We can be taught how to create healthy menus outside.
It should be emphasized that healthy eating does not mean constant dieting.
Care should be taken to choose healthy but delicious foods.
It is necessary to learn the nutritional elements of foods and their health benefits, not the calorie values of foods.
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