10 Tips for Nutrition

Parents are exposed to a lot of confusing information and sensations about their children's nutrition and even their own nutrition, which is not filtered by science. New nutrition guides and trendy diets make the situation even more complicated.

However, you do not need to be an expert in this field or have a diploma in order to feed your child correctly and raise him healthy. Following some basic guidelines will help your child have proper nutrition and a healthy weight.

10 Golden Rules in Nutrition

  • Parents control their nutrition

  • You, the parents, decide what your child will eat and when. Even if children pester their parents for foods with little nutritional value, you, adults, should decide which foods to keep regularly at home. As a result, your child does not stay hungry and eats whatever is in the fridge. But once in a while, you can buy their favorite snacks, even if they have little nutritional value.

  • Your child should have the right to choose the foods you offer

  • Children should have some say in nutrition. Yes, you organize the main and snack times. You should give him the right to choose which of the options you offer and how much he will eat. This may seem like too much freedom. However, when you apply the first golden rule, your child will already choose among the foods you have determined.

  • Stop saying "That plate will be finished"

  • When your child feels that they have eaten enough, they will say they are full. You should let him stop eating. Most parents grew up with the rule that the plate must be clean, but this approach prevents children from listening to their own bodies when they feel full. Having the right to stop eating by recognizing the feeling of fullness may prevent your child from developing overeating habits in the future.

  • Introduce different tastes at a young age

  • Eating preferences develop at an early age, so add variety. Likes and dislikes begin to form when children are babies. For the child to accept a new food, take it a few times You may need to give it at different times. Do not force the child to eat, but make him take a few bites.

  • Rearrange the children's menu

  • Who said that children only like sausages, pizza, hamburgers and pasta? Let your child try new foods when you eat out; they may surprise you with their willingness to try. You can start by letting him try a small amount of what you ordered or by ordering a snack for him to try.

  • Count the calories in drinks

  • Extra calories in soda and other sugary drinks. exists and poses an obstacle to proper nutrition. The best drink for children is water and milk. 100% fruit juices are also good, but kids don't need to drink too much — 120-180ml a day is enough for preschoolers.

  • Keep the desserts in place

  • Sweets can be eaten occasionally. But you shouldn't make desserts the main reason for dinner. When dessert becomes a reward for dinner, kids naturally begin to value sweets more than broccoli.

  • Food is not love

  • Find better ways to say «I love you» . Food should not be used to reward or show affection to children. Otherwise, children will start eating to cope with stress and other emotions. To show love instead of food, hug your child, praise them and spend time with them.

  • Children do what you do

  • Be a role model by eating healthy. When you try to instill good eating habits, try to show the best example possible. Choose nutritious snacks, eat meals together at the table, and do not skip meals.

  • Set limits on television and computer time

  • This time limit prevents your child from eating snacks without being aware of it and encourages being active. Studies show that when a child's television viewing time is reduced, the body fat percentage also decreases. They find more active things to do when television and computer time is limited. Reducing this time also means more time with your child. It also means that you will be able to pass n.

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