Losing the Weight Gained in 10 Years in 1 Month

One of the sentences I hear most frequently these days; Let me eat something so that I can instantly get rid of the excess weight in my body. I wish there were... But unfortunately, there is no such miraculous food. What overweight individuals forget is that the weight they have gained may be the weight they have had for 10 years. It is not logical or healthy to want to lose the weight you have gained in 10 years in 1 month. However, if you are patient and have your willpower, you can lose your excess weight in just a few months. This is not as difficult or impossible as you think. With a healthy and regular diet list, you will both reach your ideal weight and protect your health.

Expecting a miracle from any food and searching for various products in line with this miracle is putting your health at risk. Unfortunately, depending on demand, such products are sold in the market for commercial purposes, even if their contents are not safe. These are generally advertised by models or artists in order to gain the trust of the public. It is a different matter to trust a person just because he is on television screens. Just in the past weeks, TEFF TEA, which is famous these days and advertised by many famous names, was analyzed by Ankara Provincial Directorate of Agriculture and Forestry, and a substance called 'sibutramine' was detected in teff tea. The license of products containing sibutramine has been suspended throughout Europe on the grounds that sibutramine poses a risk for people with cardiovascular disease. The harms of sibutramine are endless. In fact, it is so harmful that it is claimed to have caused the death of a 23-year-old girl in Kastamonu. There are many people who lost their lives with weight loss products like this.

While it is possible to get rid of excess weight by eating healthy, natural and clean, think how logical it is to try to lose the weight gained in 10 years in 1 month and lose your life as a result!


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