The most effective and easiest method to prevent tooth decay is to acquire the habit of regular tooth brushing at an early stage. Many problems can be prevented by effective brushing after breakfast and before going to bed in the evening. To help your child acquire the habit of brushing teeth at an early age:
1) Start brushing as soon as the first tooth appears, try to establish a routine early. Keep the time as short as possible in the early period and try to make it as fun as possible.
2)Try to be an example to your child in this regard; Remember that children tend to do what they see, not what they hear. Turn tooth brushing into an activity you do as a family.
3) Try to turn tooth brushing into a game: To complete the brushing time in two minutes, you can turn on his favorite song and wait for it to end, or you can use brushing applications. You can try calendars that mark tooth brushing daily. You can try methods such as taking turns brushing each other's teeth or chasing the germs stuck between the teeth.
4) There may be times when your child forgets to brush and becomes stubborn with you, do not give up. There may be times when you forget to brush your teeth after a tiring day or during holidays, it is important to get back into your routine. Regular visits to your pediatric dentist may be useful to motivate him/her in this regard.
5) Reward your child for his regular brushing habit. If you have a toothbrushing calendar that you use to motivate your child, give him a small reward that he likes when he completes the calendar regularly. Let him know that you are proud of him for taking good care of his teeth.
6) Teeth brushing heroes can be your helpers. You can benefit from videos where heroes such as Pepe and Caillou brush their teeth.
7) Choose the ones with characters on the brush that may attract your child's attention. Let him choose his own brush and paste. If you have a child who is extremely sensitive to tastes and smells and does not like the taste of paste, let him brush without paste until he gets used to it.
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