What is special education?
Special education; These are studies carried out for children who have differences in their physical, mental, emotional, behavioral and social development, who cannot develop within their capacity with normal education, who cannot benefit from normal education services sufficiently, and who need special education services, psychological and academic support.
* For whom are special education studies carried out?
Special education studies; It is aimed at children who have differences in their physical, mental, emotional, behavioral and social development, who cannot develop within their capacity with normal education, who cannot benefit from normal education services sufficiently, and who need special education services, psychological and academic support.
Children who need special education support can be classified under the following headings:
1- Those with communication disorders:
Asperger syndrome
2- Those with mental differences
Mental retardation
Superior intelligence
3- Those with adjustment and behavioral disorders:
Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder
Oppositional and destructive behavioral disorder
4- Those with learning differences:
Reading difficulty
Writing difficulty
Mathematics learning difficulty
5- Those with physical differences:
Those with vision problems
Those with hearing problems
Those with speaking problems
Those with orthopedic problems
* What is the goal of special education?
As in the education of all children, in the education of children with differences in their physical, mental, emotional, behavioral and social development, it is important that they become dependent on others in the future. to survive without, to become self-sufficient and to gather together It is aimed to integrate them with the society.
In line with this purpose, special education studies help the child acquire communication skills, self-care (dressing, nutrition, cleaning), necessary skills in home life (use of household items, food preparation), social relations. It is aimed to develop adaptive skills such as education, supporting academic skills, and developing adaptive skill areas such as leisure and work.
* The role of parents in special education:
Special education studies are carried out in institutions and It is done by experts trained in this field. However, education is not limited to this; the program implemented by the expert and supported by parents at home plays an important role in achieving the targeted skills.
Research results show that parents directly participate in education and can help their children when they are trained.
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