The branch of acupuncture has been integrated into today's modern medical science. Recently, medicine seems to have different types; Names such as “Alternative Medicine”, “Complementary Medicine”, “Natural Medicine” are used very frequently and the branch of acupuncture is defined as such…
So, are these naming correct?..
Absolutely not correct!..
Medical science; strong> It is an evidence-based science with defined rules and the ability to describe cases with laboratory and clinical data. Acupuncture is medicine itself. Therefore, apart from medical science, which has rules and evidence in such a large discipline; There is no other science that defines the human body and its diseases, that is to say, Alternative Medicine, Complementary Medicine as it is called... In this article, I do not intend to bore you by delving into the philosophy of science. Medicine. It is one and only, it has no alternative, there is no complement. Medicine has neither natural nor artificial medicine. For this reason, the science of acupuncture is “Alternative Medicine”, “ It is not "Complementary Medicine". As you know, there are many branches of science within medicine: Internal medicine, Neurology, Surgery, etc. These branches of medicine that make up medicine can be complementary to each other; but the sum of all of these cannot be “Alternative Medicine”and cannot be named under this name!…
Acupuncture successfully treats facial paralysis, which is a neurological disease; At this point, it is a complement and alternative to the discipline of neurology. Likewise, acupuncture treatment, which gives successful results in joint calcification, is a complement and alternative to the discipline of orthopedics. Just like; In cases of herniated disc that has exceeded the treatment limit of acupuncture and medications, neurosurgery; such as being a complement and alternative to physical therapy and acupuncture...
Unfortunately, due to the injustices and misperceptions towards acupuncture; Patients with migraine and asthma cannot benefit from this beautiful treatment and are forced to doom themselves to the fate of their diseases... As in all matters; When choosing your doctor or specialist, question your patient rights carefully. Be persistent and protect your rights.
All ambitious promises will not be valid in any branch of medicine, not in science; I would especially like to point out that it is important to make a diagnosis at the right time with the right knowledge and experience. The most important condition for being a good specialist in the field of acupuncture is to know the whole of medicine and to follow the latest developments very closely. Today, an acupuncturist can diagnose lumbar and cervical hernias at least once. He will know as much as a neurologist or brain surgeon; He should be able to treat the hernia well, not try to treat hernias that require surgery with acupuncture...
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