Hip (Trochanteric) Bursitis

Bursitis is the inflammation of the bursa located on the outer side of the hip.

The bursa is a sac located between the bone, skin and muscle of the hip and prevents wear by making it easier for them to rub against each other. It contains a jelly-like liquid and acts as a cushion. It is located in places such as shoulders, elbows, knees and heels in our body.

The outer point of the hip bone is called the trochanter and is a protruding point of the thigh bone. The sac called the bursa is located right next to the trochanter.

Clinical Findings

The main symptom of the disorder is pain and burning on the outer side of the hip. Pain may increase especially at night, getting up from a chair, walking for long periods of time and climbing stairs may be troublesome.

Risk factors
Bursitis can affect anyone, but It is more common in women and middle age groups. Other accompanying risk factors:


Physician Examination

After questioning your complaints and medical history, your doctor will examine your hip with a comprehensive examination. To rule out other possible causes, X-ray, bone scan and MRI may be requested.


Non-Surgical Treatment

There is no surgery in the initial treatment of this disease. Relief can be achieved with simple life modifications.

Surgical Treatment

For those who do not benefit from all non-surgical methods, the bursa can be removed surgically. Obtaining the scholarship fo It does not cause any harm in terms of infection and the hip can continue its normal function.

The surgery is short and patients can be discharged on the same day.

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