What are Gum Diseases?

Gum disease, which is an infectious disease that affects not the tooth but the tissues surrounding the tooth, can manifest itself in many different types.

What are Gum Diseases?

Dental Meat diseases can manifest themselves in many ways. These types of gum diseaseare as follows:

1. Gingivitis

Redness of the gums, Gingivitis, a gum disease that manifests itself with bleeding, shiny and swollen gums, is actually a symptom of gum disease before it progresses. While the damaged gums can be treated with simple medication and oral and dental health care in the beginning, the gums will be more damaged in the future and different treatment methods will need to be applied.

2.     Chronic Periodontitis

Chronic periodontitis, the most common type of periodontitis, is a gum disease that progresses very slowly and its symptoms are barely noticeable. As a result of the inflammation of the supporting tissues surrounding the tooth, the fibers connecting the tooth root to the dental bone and the dental bone melt and become a pocket, and dark red-purple colored gums manifest themselves with receding gums and gaps in the teeth. While this disorder can be treated with non-surgical methods in the initial stages, as gum disease progresses, it turns into a disease that can be treated with surgical methods.

3.     Aggressive Periodontitis

Aggressive periodontitis, which is more difficult and complicated to treat than chronic peridontitis, is a gum disease with deep pockets and advanced bone destruction. Although this condition is less common, it is a type of periodontitis that is seen mostly in young people.

What are the Symptoms of Gum Diseases?

Gum diseases present themselves with many symptoms. can show. The main symptoms of gum disease are as follows:

∙         Change in the tone of the gums

∙         Swelling in the gum


∙         Gum recession

∙         Tooth appearing longer

∙         Aches and pains in the tooth root and gum

∙         Dental stones formed at the bottom of the tooth

How is Gum Disease Treated?

Gum treatment will vary depending on the degree and type of gum disease. . In general, results are obtained from treatment with non-surgical methods in the early stages of gum diseases; In cases of more advanced gum diseases, surgical dentistry practices are generally preferred to remove unhealthy tissue from the area.


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