The divorce process is a situation that will affect the members of the family both during the divorce phase and in the future. Nowadays, it is thought that after divorce, especially women are in a difficult situation due to financial inadequacies and it will also be negatively affected psychologically. It is a problem-solving skill that has a significant impact on coping with difficulties. It is seen that individuals who are insufficient in problem solving experience psychological disharmony (Ergin, 2013; 37).
In the study conducted with divorced women, it is thought that women who have insecure attachments with their parents will have a harder time solving problems and getting through the post-divorce process. When looking at the literature, it has been stated that psychological control and the feeling of loneliness in women are related to peer trust. If this relationship is expressed only for girls, it can be said that they have a more relational view and are more inclined to establish close relationships (Buhrmester and Furman, 1987; Rotenberg et al., 2002). In the study conducted with divorced women, it is expected that they will be at a disadvantage in terms of problem solving skills. When we look at the literature, we see similar results. It is stated that divorced women are more disadvantaged than other women in terms of their mental health and problem-solving skills (Polat, 2012: 12).
In a study conducted on attachment styles; It has been stated that those who are securely attached experience less anxiety and can access and remember negative emotions more easily. It was stated that those with an anxious-ambivalent attachment style experienced more anxiety and affect, were unable to suppress negative affect, and experienced the emotional burden of their bad memories (Sığırcı, 2010). Looking at the literature, these studies are supported. It has been reported that individuals with anxious-avoidant attachment are more defensive and anxious ( Mikulincer and Orbach, 1995 cited in Sığırcı 2010 ). Studies have investigated the effects of attachment styles on interpersonal distance; It has been stated that individuals with fearful and avoidant attachment avoid physical closeness and are reactive to men who enter their field of vision, and that participants choose to sit further away during the interview (Kaitz, Bar Haim, & Lehrer, 2004). . Sığırcı 2010). It has been reported that adult attachment styles affect self-esteem, that those with a secure attachment style have high general self-esteem and are more successful in social skills than other attachment styles (Bylsma et al., 1997 cited in Sığırcı 2010)
Attachment regarding marriage In theory-based studies, past experiences and relationships and marital relationship and satisfaction are emphasized. Attachment styles affect the behavior of the individual in close relationships, the quality of the relationship, and the satisfaction they get from the relationship (Gonzaga, Keltner Londahl and Smith, 2001 as cited in Sığırcı 2010). A secure form of intimacy is associated with higher marital satisfaction (Furman and Flanagan, 1997 as cited in Sığırcı 2010). ). A study conducted on divorced couples stated that the highest divorce rate occurs when both couples are insecurely attached (Ertan, 2002).
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