Medication or Therapy in the Treatment of Panic Attacks?

We can say that panic attacks are attacks of fear that recur from time to time and at the same time terrify the person at the moment they occur. Panic attacks occur unexpectedly and make the person feel helpless. Patients generally define this situation as "Crisis". This attack, which begins suddenly, increases its intensity within 10 minutes and reaches the highest level, and then disappears on its own.

So, what are the complaints during a panic attack?

The person experiences rapid heartbeat, Palpitations, shortness of breath, feeling like the soul is leaving the body, tremors or numbness in the arms and legs, dizziness, fainting, sweating, tension, and numbness in different parts of the body are among the most common complaints. However, patients typically misinterpret these physical complaints. How Does? Oops!! I'm having a heart attack, my heart will stop, I'm dying. My breathing will stop, I'm suffocating. I'm going crazy, I'm losing my mind, I'm losing control. I will be paralyzed. Like I'm going to faint, fall, or pass out.

Most people feel the above symptoms and think the same things, but it doesn't mean that everyone is having a panic attack or panic disorder. Why?

Because this is generally the case. Before the attack occurs, we question whether the person has experienced an event that upset them. In fact, it is not a single event that causes this, it is just the last straw. And in fact, the glass is your personality and it is impossible to change it completely. In this case, it is actually those events that affect people. It is not, it is how the person interprets the event in the situation. And these interpretations actually consist of people's schemas. Schemas are about how we look and see the world. Therefore, the events we experience and our perspective and reactions to these events are actually related to which schema we look at the world with.

What is the main purpose of psychotherapy in treatment?

The person's gaining individual maturity and increasing awareness. Correcting behavioral disorders, emotional relief, overcoming emotional confusion, teaching coping methods, reviewing events to change their attitudes, restructure their thoughts, reconsider their interpretations, and most importantly, to enable them to know themselves and their inner world better. Cognitive behavioral therapy aims to make the person's maladaptive thoughts and behaviors more compatible.

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