In this article, I will try to answer the question "What is Gastric Reduction Surgery?" In this operation, also known as sleeve gastrectomy, there may be misinformation that a tube is inserted into the stomach. Let's examine it together.
The operation, which is known as gastric sleeve or stomach reduction surgery among the public, is called Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy in the medical literature.
Stomach reduction surgery is performed laparoscopically, that is, by a closed method. So what is the implicit method? What is Gastric Reduction Surgery and how is it performed?
In closed surgery, small incisions of approximately half a centimeter are made on the abdominal skin. Devices called trocars are placed in these incisions and special pathways are opened that allow the device to enter the abdomen.
Due to the small size of the incisions, the patient feels much less pain in the postoperative period. These small incisions heal quickly. The patient gets up quicker and the working systems of organs such as the lungs and heart recover much faster.
In surgeries performed with the closed method, the intra-abdominal organs are viewed with the help of a camera designed in the shape of a rod. Thanks to these moving cameras, deep intra-abdominal regions that cannot be viewed in open surgeries can be reached.
Obesity surgery has been performed all over the world for approximately 50 years. Many surgeons and centers have now started to perform these surgeries in our country.
While gastric bypass was the most commonly performed form of obesity surgery about ten years ago, sleeve gastrectomy, that is, stomach reduction surgery, is now the most common surgery performed all over the world.
The answer to the question of what is stomach reduction surgery is weight loss surgery, which has the shortest surgery time (approximately 60 minutes), provides effective weight loss and has a lower complication rate than other surgical methods among the obesity surgery options, and for these reasons, it is preferred much more frequently by patients. It can be called the method.
In stomach reduction surgery, stapler tools with a stapler called cartridge, which are specially developed for these surgeries, are applied serially. The physiology of the digestive system is not changed, it is based only on reducing the stomach volume and food absorption is not impaired.
Patient satisfaction in stomach reduction surgery is quite high. Recently, obesity surgery It is applied as a first-line treatment in the stomach and its popularity is gradually increasing.
Approximately 80% of the enlarged stomach is removed by closed method and the stomach is turned into a thin tube and reduced to the diameter of an average intestine.
Tube. Gastric surgery is only a volume-restricting surgery. With the new smaller stomach, patients consume much smaller portions and feel full quickly.
When the patient fully adapts to the new diet after surgery, the success rate is very high and permanent results are obtained. In other words, this surgery is much more effective than diet programs that cause people to experience periods of intense starvation.
The medical world is advancing at a dizzying pace and brings great innovations in obesity, the most common disease of our age. When the abundance of surgical methods is added to the information pollution on the internet, confusion often arises in choosing the surgical method. That's why today I wanted to write about stomach reduction surgery. Again, one of the most frequently asked questions by patients is the question of what stomach reduction surgery is.
You should decide on the type of surgery by meeting with a specialist physician face to face, if possible.
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