Due to the great excitement and rush created by the development of the new member to join the family, the baby's sibling may feel neglected. The fact that the mother has been hospitalized and will be separated from her will greatly upset the baby's sibling. Even after the mother returns home, she will have difficulty understanding the fact that the mother is tired and cannot play with her. Apart from this, when all the attention was on the baby before, turning this attention to the baby may cause them to feel jealousy and abandonment.
It is up to the mother and father to reconcile with their new rival, to understand that they are still very loved and valued, and to restore their sense of trust. .
As the baby joins the family, it will be useful to apply the following methods to relax the older child and make him/her feel more involved.
If the hospital environment is suitable, the child will be able to protect the mother and the baby. Ensuring that the child is visited in the hospital can create a sense of relief in the child.
Bringing a special gift for each sibling when the mother returns home from the hospital can distract the older sibling from the feeling of exclusion.
It is important for parents to spend time with the children, both separately and together.
While taking pictures of the new baby, also take pictures of your older child with the baby and alone.
Ask grandparents or close relatives to take the older child somewhere special, such as the zoo, a movie, or dinner. This special attention will help them when they feel abandoned.
Have prepared gifts for the older child. When people come to see the baby, give the older child the gifts you have prepared in advance.
This closeness between the baby and the mother while breastfeeding the baby may lead the older child to jealousy. You can show that you can share this closeness and turn breastfeeding times into story times. By reading stories, especially those about jealousy, to toddlers or preschoolers, you can encourage them to speak their mind and help them become more accepting. .
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