Heart Attack Says "I'm Coming"! Heart Attack Symptoms and Treatments

Heart diseases, which are one of the biggest causes of death in the world, can occur depending on both genetic factors and lifestyle.

The presence of people with heart disease in the family causes people to be in the risk group, as well as stress, insomnia. It can also increase due to reasons such as unhealthy diet and high cholesterol.

If a person learns to listen to his body, he can notice a heart attack in advance and take precautions. In some cases, a heart attack begins to show itself a month in advance, while in other cases, it may show its symptoms a few hours before.

No matter what, knowing the symptoms and observing them correctly is very important in terms of intervening in a heart attack.

Pay Attention to the Feeling of Pressure and Pain in the Chest


A heart attack causes sudden pain and a feeling of pressure in the chest area. It is known that chest pain due to heart attack causes a pain that feels like a knife stabbing the area.


The pain in question may continue for several minutes and reoccur from time to time. As soon as this type of pain is felt in the chest, it is necessary to go to the doctor or call the intervention teams.


Heart attack does not only manifest itself with pain in the chest area. Pain in the shoulder, arm, back and even jaw area can also be a sign of a heart attack. Conditions such as sweating, chills, nausea and vomiting may also be signs of a heart attack.


Heart Attack Treatment 


Finding the conditions that cause a heart attack and eliminating these conditions generally constitute the main lines of treatment.


Since a heart attack occurs due to a sudden blockage in the vessels, the cause of the blockage is found and this cause is eliminated. Therefore, heart attack treatment must be planned individually.


It can be risky for people who have had a heart attack to try to treat themselves while waiting for intervention teams. If the person thinks he is having a heart attack or the person next to him may be having a heart attack, cough strongly while waiting for the teams to intervene. Precautions that can be taken include taking an aspirin, if available, and ventilating the room.


Apart from these, taking someone else's medicine, taking a shower and moving to reduce pain may cause the severity of the crisis to increase. During a heart attack, blood flow towards the heart can be accelerated by elevating the feet above heart level.


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