Is Spending Excessive Time on the Internet, Smartphone and Computer Games a Sign of Addiction?
Today's people experience both the advantages and disadvantages of the technological age. It is worth examining how children, young people and adults, especially those living in big cities, become addicted to using technological devices. There may be different reasons why an adolescent who plays computer games for 5-6 hours a day prefers playing games in the virtual environment rather than doing something in real life. In cities where parks and gardens are few and far between, a child living in an apartment can choose this area to relax and unwind when he comes home from school. Especially if he does not have a family environment where he can communicate with his neighbors, cousins and relatives, this area can literally be a place of escape or shelter for him. The adolescent may resort to the internet (social media, YouTube, videos and especially online games) to compensate for the feeling of pleasure that he cannot find in his real life (mostly due to being stuck in an apartment), as well as due to broken relationships with his relatives and environment or the loss of important people in his life. People turn to this field due to their poverty.
The question most often asked by those who apply to our clinic with the problem of excessive internet use is: "Am I addicted?" Or "Is my child addicted?" If so what can I do? '. The client profile that applies to our clinic and has developed an addiction to technological devices generally consists of adolescents. Families often bring their children, who have missed their lessons because of their smartphones or playing online computer games, and are tired of constantly receiving negative feedback from school and constantly conflicting with them. On the other hand, we learn about the existence of adults who show signs of addiction in internet and smartphone use from the complaints of spouses who come to treatment due to relationship problems. Usually, "When my wife comes home, she always goes to the computer to relax", "I often see her watching or reading something on her phone", "We no longer have a proper conversation or sharing", "My wife is addicted to Facebook, she is more addicted to Facebook than I am". It takes a lot of time� Complaints like '��' continue.
Scientific research shows the symptoms of internet, smartphone and digital game addiction; spending increasing amounts of time on these devices and not being able to control this time; As a result of this, the person experiences difficulties in work, school and social life. According to Young (1999), excessive internet use creates an addiction like excessive gambling. Symptoms of impulse control disorder are observed in internet and technological device addictions. Thus, in order to say that you or your child is addicted, at least 5 of the 8 items listed below must be present. Accordingly:
Excessive mental preoccupation with the Internet
Needing to use the Internet at increasing rates to get the desired pleasure
Making unsuccessful attempts to control, reduce or completely stop Internet use
If Internet use is reduced or completely stopped, restlessness, depression, or feeling angry
Staying online longer than originally planned
Due to excessive internet use, family, school, work, friends and Having problems with the social environment
Lying to the environment about the time spent on the Internet
Using the Internet to escape from problems or get away from negative emotions (e.g. . guilt, unhappiness, anxiety)
What Should Be Done If You Meet 5 of the Symptoms of Addiction?
First of all, internet addiction and the damage it causes are very well understood. You should consult a clinical psychologist who will identify and create a treatment plan suitable for the person, or a psychiatrist if drug treatment is needed. In treatment intervention, addressing the behind-the-scenes elements that cause internet addiction and working on them in psychotherapy usually gives good results. However, in some cases, for example, if the person has intensified depressive symptoms or has some other accompanying psychiatric disorders, it may be necessary to cooperate with a psychiatrist in the treatment. Scientific research has shown that internet addicts stated that the cognitive behavioral therapy model is quite effective in its treatment (Roij et al., 2012; Şenormancı et al., 2010). The treatment goal is not to completely eliminate internet use, but only communication, shopping, etc. It is determined as controlled use in line with purposes such as. The method used when treating addiction should be "controlling", similar to eating disorders (Roji et al., 2012). With cognitive therapy techniques, unhealthy thought structures that cause the person's psychological problems are worked on and the client is helped to develop healthy thought structures.
If internet addiction is not the result of another psychiatric disorder and intense depressive symptoms are evident in the person, antidepressant drug treatment addiction. may reduce symptoms. Medication is also used to reduce addiction symptoms in people addicted to internet pornography and virtual sex.
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